Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

48 An Expojition of the Epiftle --~~----~~~ r~Scriptures exprefs it,) which are called in the p~ural1<<••, thi11gs above, in ari. Serm. IV. fwerable oppotition unto 1Jbl']lir ,;;, things o11 Earth, Culofs. 3,2. and ®1J li7l ~ '"''"f"""' thef~tpercdefliat 1bi11gs tbemjetvrs, Htb. 9• 2;. which oppotiuon !hews that as on Earth there is a plurality and a variety of things; fo in Heaven alfo there are,and to the end we may be capableoflike comfort from ,thefethingshea-~ venly ( thou&h far more tranfcendent as the thing.s.rhemfelves are in g<iodnefs to afford it to us,) our very bodies !hall be fitted and luited thereunto, and made hea- . venly and fpiritual with inlets and capa~ities heavenly and, Even our bo– dies !hall be made capable of plcafure 10 thofe created excellenc1es there, 10 the r,x,:,, ~ framing or contriving ofwhich, God bath !hewed fo much of his Art and skil,(as J>fu•p'J'I,. thofe words Heb. 11. 1o. import,) and particularly our bodies to receive a glo– ry and happinefs in and from the prefence of that heavenly body of Chrifi,thefe Upoo • Cor. being in an heavenly manner and way fuited eachto other; whiCh the follow– 'HS· ing words of that 1 Cor. 6. q, '4· clearly infinuates, of which I have elfewhere fpoken.And if our bodies,to how much more heavenly ftate and glorious capacity !hall the foul be raifed to take in thofe pleafures which flow immediately from the face of God and the Godhead, whofe tulnefsdwells in thathuman Nature the Body and Soul of Chrifi, m wboje pre[tnaare rivers of Pttafurtfor evermore? See my :Str• mow.s on A• damsfim: io Inaocency. So then to conclude, All in heaven, both plaoes and things, God hath blefi us withal in the real donation of them hereafter to be enjoyed; and in the mean time furoilhed us with thofe graces and difpotitions as in themfelves are heaven– ly, and of an higher !train than Adam's (though his were fpiritual,)which graces God hath endued with a right unto all thofe things to be enjoyed in heaven, and entailed ·all upon them, and which will in the end bring us thither, and do ren– der us meet for the enjoyment of them. There is a third Reafon of this addition in Heavenly to Spiritual, which will come in more fitly in the Meditation that follows. And fo much for the nature and condition of the Ble1lings them– felves. Ob[trvation. We may from hence at Qnce learn to judge and difcern, both what are the true and choicefi.and moft defirable ble1lings, and by what rule to judge of God's dealings with us in this World. ·As alfo of our hearts and fpirits, whether Evan· gelized and made fpiritual yea or no, I. What are the choicefi ble1lings: Take for this the true rate and efiimate and price which the Gofpel fets upon things; it mentions not, you fee, riches, honours, beauty, pleafures, it pa!leth thefe over in lilence, which 'yet the Old 'te!lament every where makes promife of. They were then Children,as Gat+ I,2,J. and God plcafed them with the promife of thefe toys and rattles, as taking with them. But in the Gofpel hath !hewn, he bathprovidedfome /;etter tbi11gs for m, things fpiritual and heavenly; both gracious and heavenly difpofitions of fpirit that carry the. Soul toju~ the thi11gs that are above, where Cbrifl is; And together therewlth, thofe thmgs themfelves above that are the objects and inqueft of them. You may judge of the fuperexcelling value of thefe ble1lings, by what the Devils, that are fjliritual wickednelfes (and fo full both of envy and malice te us,) do contend With us about, Now, what things are they which they oppofe you m, and do make the Ball of their contention with us · but thefe things.Spiritual and Heav~nly?. (As you heard) they maligne you no~, nor will they hmder you from bemg nch, honourable, to increafe in and attain to a fulnefs of things worldly, or outward; yea, all thefe fometimes he is ufed, as an 10!\rument by God, to help men unto as fnares and baits to undo their Souls. Bur as the Devi_ls. themfelves are fpiritual ";ickednelfes, fo their envy (which fin 1s purely a fpmtual \,\'lckednefs,) and wluch always hath for 1ts obj:ct what is the chiefe(\ cxcell encyor good belonging to another,whom one envies or hates p., •fi & ,; is at and againft you for none other things but fpiritual good things, which there: Ho.flt domi. fore are by this manifefi acknowledgment of your greatdt Adverfaries, the befi thing,, If he knew any that were better, he would be fure to turn your oppo· lite therem; and he knows the worth of them, hy having fallen from them. Th,efc are thmforc the be!l,yea and the 9nly true ble1lings indeed. Yea,