26o An Expojition of the epijUe -;:--;-:-=-----– ,..~ to Eternity. That he mightjhew f011h the 'l(iohes of hi1 Grace, in the Ages to come. Serm. XIX. And becau(e that the Agesto come <!f.this yv orld are not fufficiem to ma~nifY his ~Grace unto Men, therefore Jefus Clinft Wl!l come on purpo[e, when he w 1 ll break up and tell the Story offree-Grace,as he will at the latter aay: And as he will come to convin~e all that are Ungodly oftheir ungodly Deeds, which they have ungod– lily comrmtted,as 'j~tde fauh; (o he w!llcome as to tell the Story ofyourSinfulnefs fo to lay open the Riches of hisGracein pardoning. It is the great Work which Chrill: will do then; and all the Grace which God !hews Men here, is, that in thofe Ages to come there may be matter laid up to magnify that Grace when our Lord !hall come. When God did caft off'Pharaoh, theText C1ith in Rom. 9· 17. that it was, that hi1 Nrmte might be declared throughout aU the Earth; So now, God faved thofe primitive Chrill:ians, Paul and the reil: ofthem, that all Ages might ring of the exceeding Riches ofhis Grace towards them ; Grace dcferveth to be fo much celebrated there. The whole Earth, faith he, ]ball befilled with his Glory, fpeaking ofthe Kingdom of Chrift, and the Converfion ofthe Gentiles to it, in Pjal.72.19. LajU,, Here is [in Cbrift 'jejiu] added; for all God's Kindnefs, and all his Grnce towards ':s, it is in Chrift.. It is an infinite magnifying of the Lord Jefus, that he alone bemg m Heaven, IS able enough and worthy enough to take into his Polfcffion all the Glory, an<! all the Grace that ever God means to be!l:ow up– on his Children. He hath done it, my Brethren. Had not he been a Perfon an– fwerably Glorious, we could not have been faid, To fit in Heavenly Places in Chri!l 'jejiu, or, That the Richu ofhis GraceJbould be jher»nin hi1 Kindnefs tolfJards IJJ in him: But fo great a Perfon is Jefus Chrifr, God and Man, that look as the Sun, if there were ten hundred thoufand Stars more to be created, and the Heavens to be filled with them all,there is Light enough in the Sun to enlighten them all; fo there is in Chrift. And therefore, my Brethren, never think to Cet up without this Lord Jefus Ghri!l:. Do not think that he only ferveth to bring you unto God,and there to leave you ; No, he will never leave you to Eternity. All the KindnefS that God !hews you to Eternity, it is in Chrif1Jejiu. SERM~ ...