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to the EPHES.IAN S. -; 6t --~------~--~~--~~~~------~ that firll: began to Preach the Gofpel with more clearnefs did) fee this very Pro· S':.Afx"' miCe and Prophecy here fulfilled ; God engaged Himfelf that in the Ages to ~· come the Riches of Free-Grace lhould be laid open, and fo he bath performed it. And to our Comfort we fee wherein the Main of Reformation lies; it lies in opening the DOCl:rine ofthe Subll:antials ofSalvation,concerning the Ellate ofMan by Nature, the Work ofConverfion, the Priviledges we have in Chril1:; it lies in clearing theDoCtrine ofFree-Grace,and the way of Faith which lays hold upon it, By Graceye arefaved, through Faith, as it follows afterwards. We fee the Truth. ofthis Prophecy, rifeth up more aod more to the view, in the latter Ages of the World, and we enjoy the Fruit ofit more clearly and fully than our lore-Fathers did; and God will never leave till he bath brought his Saints and Children to that firll: Pattern,to that Doctrine ofGrace in the Purity and Perfetl:ion ofit,which was .then taught. You fee likewife, wherein the Riches \)fthe Gofpellies; it lies in the DOCl:rine .of-Free-Grace, and therefore thofe that firll: preached it were called Evange/ici, Gofpdlers, and their Preaching was called a New Gofpel; becaufe they did but begin to fever the Grace of God, from what was in Man in point of Salvation, which was abufed by thofe blit,ld Guides that led the Blind in thofe former Ages. And, my Brethren, know this, that by virtue ofthis Prophecy, the DoCtrine of Free-Grace havitJg begun to qe cleared, and lhining fo abundant!y upon us, it fl1all be cleared every day more and more to the end of the World ; and as the Apo11:1e .&ith,inRom.n.lfthe e~~tting ojj'ofthe Jews be the RichesoftheWorld;what jhall their refioring againbe? The DoCtrine ofFree-Grace bath in all Ages been opened and fiill cleared, and cleared more in thefe latter days than (as we find by the Wri– tings ofMen) it was in former Ages: And in the-latter days it !hall clear up more ,and more; the nearer we come to the Kingdom ofGiory,the more bright will the Kingdom ofGrace lhine. For Antichrifl: himfelflhall be del1:royed by the bright• nefS ofthe coming of Chrill in the revelation ofthe Gofpel of him. God began fparingly in the World, and there was little ofFree-Grace taught, it was vail'd, and under Types and Ceremonies in the Old Tel1:ament, and before M.ofes; and it was called the Law ofMqfts. That Age of the World, may rather be f.1id to be under the Law ofNature, than under the Law ofGrace ; and Chrill faith,the Law tUtd the 'PrDphets were until John, but now the Gofpel istaught. God I fay, began fparingly, but he referved to the Ages to come thebreaking open ofthe exceeding Richesofbis Grace: as now he bath Multitudes ofElect, a Catholick Church,and Saints over the Chril1:ianWorld, and bath had in all Ages, fo he alfo breaks up rhe Doctrine ofFree-Grace more in their Hearts. Sixthly, Hath God engaged Himfelf thus, when he converted thefe Primitive Chriftians, to !hew like Riches ofGrace, exceeding Riches ofGrace, not to that Age only but to all Ages to come, and ll:ill to the latter Ages more than to the former: then let this help your Faith, and that in refpeet of your felves. Did God fbew Grace to thee when he firll: turned thee to him, did he pardon thee then the Sins of thy Age pall:, out ofthe exceeding Riches ofhis Grace ? He will continue, fear pot, to !hew Mercy,and to continue his Grace in pardoning and keeping of' thee for the reftdue ofthe Age thou art to1ive. Thou feel1: he bath done it unto Ages pafr, and bath promifed to do it unto the Ages to come to the end of the World. God is as rich as ever; and as the Sun that bath lhined thefe five thoufand years and upwards, bath as much Light in it now as ever; fo bath God of Grace and Mercy in him. Can God lhewfuchMercy to the World that is Evil and tin– thankful, to the World that bath perfecuted his Saints and Children in all Ages, that he ll:ill continueth to !hew forth his Grace Age after Age, as ·he cloth, and ciannot he !hew Mercy to thee for thy little fpan oftime,having fhewn thee fo much Mercy already ? Certainly he will go on to do it, for he bath ExceediNg Rrches of Gracefor Ages to come, fo faith the Apol1:lehere. Laftiy, I !hall only add this Meditation, out ofthele Words interpreted in this fecond Sence. When all thefe Ages to come, that is, to the World's end, !hall !le all run out; 0 my Brethren, at the latter Day, what an infinite Riches of "' L I 2 Grace