to the EPHESIANs. :275 "~ Laftly, It is in Kindnefs towards us in Chrifl: Jefus; loving us with the Came ~ Love wherewith he loved Chrifl: Jefus. Look what Glory he bath beflowed upon our Head, the fame he will beflow upon us, and with the fame Kindnefs, and how great mufl: that needs be ? Do but read the defcription of that Glory, which the Apoftle on purpofe made of Cbrifl:, in the firfl Chapter; out of the fame Kindnefs he will bell:ow the fame Glory upon us. ., And fo much now for Obfervations upon that lall: Senfe and Interpretation, and fo-I.have done with this Ve~fe. '• ! Mm~· SERM;