Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

rUin Expofition of the Epiflle ~and therefore in Rom. r. 17. the Sum of the Gofpel, it is delivered to us by thi~, ~that the Righteoltfi!Cfl of God u therem revealed from Fa1th to Faith. For by Graee ye are faved. I confers, I thought I n10nld have found no difficulty at all in this; for when I viewed the words, I thought the Apoflle's Scope, when he faid, 'By Grace ye aro faved, had been comprehenfively tome~n all the Benefits we have which belong and appertain_unto Salvation, and allthe fhnding Works of God upon us, Cal– ling, and QlHckmng, andSanchficatton; and whatever elfe that are all by Grace: And fo, 'By Grace ye arcfaved, nms currantly from firll: to !all:, both becaufe thefe are all things ap~ertaining to Salvation. and becaufe that they are all by Grace. That Grace that JU[hfies us, and adopts us Sons, that Grace it is that alfo calleth us, fanCl:ifieth us; Eletl:ing Grace doth the one as well as the other: And all proceed immediatly from that Grace which isin. the Heart of God towards Ius. freely, and Without Works. And that wh1ch d1d mclme mol.till to think this fhould be his meaning, is, becaufe that [by Grace ye are faved] comes in prefemly after Q£ickning, v.5. and foitwould feem here alfoto includethe very Workof!'.tegene– ration, and the new Creature, which he in this very Paragraph fpeaksof, v. 10• Now the t:uth is, this Interpretation would run ~urrantly, b~t for one thing, and that IS th1s, 'By Grace ye are faved [thrmtgh Fa1th.] Mark 1t, now this Ad- , clition here croffeth it, taking Salvation here for the whole Work of God in us, and upon us, and towards us, comprehenfively; why ? Becaufe, firll:, Faith it felf is a part of Salvation, it is a Work toward Salvation, and unto Salvation in us. And tho it is true, as the Apoflle faith, in .A'Cis 18. 2 7, that Men believe through Grace, as the efficient Caufe of t_heir believing ; yet notwithll:anding w~ cannot he fa1d to have Fatth through Fa1th. And therefore at leall: here Faith mull: be excluded out of thefe words, when he faith, 'By Grace ye are Javed througb Faitb; for otherwife there were a ProcejfiH ad injinit11m, as we ufe to fay. But then again, I thought, as the Apoll:le faith in another cafe, when he faith, '.AU things are put 11nder him, it is manifell:, that he is excepted which did put all things under him; fo now Faith is excepted here, becaufe he faith afterwards, and that as an Addition, .And not of your [elves. But then on the other fide, there are many things befides Faith, (if you will take Salntion for the whole, and all that God cloth in us, and for us) that rho all is by Grace, yet all is not conveyed to us by Faith, for Regeneration it felf is not. A Man doth not firll: believe,and then is born again ; but a Man mull: firll: be born again,before he believeth, as you have it in 1 'John 5· r. Ho that believetb if born ofGod. It is true indeed, that Regeneration (whereofone Principle is!the Principle of Foith) is not of Works, it is wholly of Grace; for the new Crea– ture iscreated unto good Works, but yet ll:ill it is not through Faith, (mark it ) unlefs you would make, (as fome do) which to me is unnatural, that the fir/! ACl of Faith is without any Principle at all in us, which is to make a Man to fee without having an Eye. Now it is true, I fay, that all thefe are by Grace, but they are not through Faith. You mull: give Grace leave to go further than Faith: and yet notwithll:anding here, when he faith, By Grace J'C are faved througb Faith, he makes them adequate and commenfurable one to the other. Then again, that which narrows the Words yet more, is, That take all the Sanaification, and new Obedienc:, _that is wrought in us ~ft~r we are born again, altho it may be fatd m fome fence tt 1s through Fatth, yet 1t IS not through Fatt~ alone; but the Salvation which he fpeaks of here, it is by Grace through Faith: We are juflijied freely bJ his Grace, thro11gh Faith, &c. Now oftentimes in Scrip– ture [Saved J is taken ll:ritlly for Jull:ification, as, He Jbal! fove his 'People front their Sins, in Mat. 1. 21. and, Saved from Wrath to come, in Ront. 5· 9· And many like In[\ances might be given, tho here he ll:ates all under the firll word [faved.J - Bur then methinks this lhould be too narrow for the Apoll:le'sScope here, whereas we fine! that Salvation may be taken more largely: and let us enlarge it as