to the E PHE SI AN S: as far as poffibly we can, fo we make thefe two meet together, By Graceye 4 ,., ~ JllVed tbro11gh Failih, and through Faith onlJ. ~ I do lay, for the interpreting of thefe Words, having fi1ewn you wherein the Strefs lies, thefe three things, as Premifes to affoil this Difficnltjr. 1. That only that of our Salvation is here fpoken of: as it is given by Grace; fo it is received by Faith, as I faid before ; thefe are both adequate. Therefore we mull: not extend Salvation here further, or think any thing is included in it, further than what is conveyed to us by Faith, tho all be of Grace. 2. That methinks the Whole of our Salvation !hould be here meant, (how, I !hall !hew you by and by ) a whole and a compleat Salvation. Ye are fzved by Grace, that Is, ye are fully Caved, .or elfe the Apol'de's Scopewou}d not be here fatisfied, and made fully up, unlefs hts Expreffion !hould reach to thiS; he having· fpoken fuch great things in the words before, of God's !hewing Riches of Grace in the World to come, and making this as a Proof of what He had faid before. . . 3· That he fpeaks of Salvation, as applied in this Life, it is not the poffet1ion of Salvation in Heaven, that mull: neceffarily be left out; for he fpeaks, I fay, of Salvation, as it is applied; and it is manifell:, becaufe ( faith he) it is thr<:lugh Faith. Now then to affoil this Difficulty in a word, that I may make this clear to you, for upon it depends the Undedl:anding of thefeWords in the Text: .I con– ceive that Salvation imports two things, or if you will, Salvation bath twd Parts. The one is, of fuch Benefits as do confifl: meerly in the Actions of God upon us, and towards us, which indeed and in truth are properly Salvation, in com– parifon ofthe other, as making us Sons and f!eirs, pronouncing us juft, redeemed; reconciled, graciou!ly accepting our Perfons in his Son, giving us a Right to Heaven, and to Life. And the other is of the Workings ofGod in us; which are unto this Salvation, as Calling, and Sanctification, and Obedience, &c. I find, Saved, is thus diftinguifhed, when he fpeaks, as here he cloth, ofGrace, and not ofWorks. And that Text which we have often occaGon o recur to iri the point of Free Grace, is an opener of this Place; it isin 2 Tim. 1. 9· Who hath faved m and caUed m, no/according to our Work!, but according to hi< orvn P11rpoje and Grace, which WtU given 111 in Cbrift Jefm. Here ifyou mark it, Saved 11.1, !Is made diftinet from Calling ; he hath both Saved us, and Called us, and both by Grace, and not ofWorks. Now if you take in the whole Work of Calling, God doth not call us by Faith, not by Faith alone, for Calling includes Sanctification and Regeneration ; we are Saints by Calling as well as Believers by Calling; yet we fee that he diftingni!heth Salvation which is the work ofGod upon us,from Calling which is the work ofGod in us. Or ifyou will, you may take thisdiftinction to clear it, which may help your Underll:andings more in it, and that is, that that Salvation which is applied here in this World (for we exclude Heaven) is not through Faith, not through FaitH alone; for in 2 Theff. 2. 13. we are chofen to Salvation through Faith and Sanctification both : it is a medium through which he carries us. Or ifyou will, we may alfo diftinguifh thus ofSalvation it felf. That there are two forts ofdegrees ofthe application ofit, and both called Salvation. 1. One is, an invefting us with a Right, a Title, a Tenure, an lntereft in all Benefits of Salvation be they what they will; to give us a formal, fure, legal, au– themical Intereft, according to the rules of the Word, tO all Benefits ofSalvation whether in thi$World or in the World to come. . 2. Or in the fecond place, there is an actual Poffcffion,or ifyou will,rather call it an Accomplifhment ofall the parts ofSalvation and Works of God in us, which God carrieth on in us by degrees, works Holinefs in us by degrees,whereofquick· ning