to the E P H E S I A N S. Now take Salvation thus, as it is endowing u;·with all the Title and IntereO: of~ whatfoever God means to befl:ow upon us, and this is wholly by Grace, and~ wholly through Faith. Thefe three are adequate. 1. Such Benefits as are by imputation or reckoning. 2. By Grace, out of us. 3· Received only by Faith. Here now isthe folution ofthe Text: here is whole Salvation in the very lump, it is all give~ at once, given at firfr; the whole of it as it lay in _the Womb of God's Decree and Free Grace, tt IS co.mpleatl~, accordmg to the Rtght and Tttle of it, befl:owed upon us at once, and tt IS recetved through Fmth. cBy Grace ye arefoved through Faith, faith he; that now folves all the Difficulty. They are,I (ay, all befl:owed upon us at once, all that are, or asthey a;e _aCtsofGod upon us, that great Salvation, fo great Salvauon,as the Apofl:le calls tt,IS gtven all at once: and byGraceye are thusfoved, compleatly and fully, and this as foon as you believe, eodem die, as Jeront [peaks. Here is the greatefl: Gift that ever was given, not of yourfelves, faith he, it is the Gift ofGod. The Apofl:le hath penned the Words fo, that they will refer as well to Salvation as to Faith. It is not of your felves, it is the Gift ofGod, the whole Lump ofSalyation is. And, by GraceJC are thusfoved, Salvation in the Lump of it, it is given to you by Grace, and received by Faith. Now there is this difference between thefe two, that the one is given at once, and the other the Lord cloth give by degrees, and go on to perfect it one after a– nother: the one is an aB: ofGod upon us, towards us, and therefore is a meer a[l: of Free Grace, immediately refiding in God, and cloth not import infufing any thing into us. In Ron1.3.22. the ApoO:le (peaking of Jllfl:ification, mark his Phrafe, Righteouftteji (faith h~) unto aU, and upon aV them that believe ; not in all, but unto all and upon all. Now then, this fame Right to Salvation, and to the whole ofSalvation, and all that ever you !hall have, it is truly and properly called Salvation. Why? you were once Sinners : for you to be Caved from your Sins,faved from Wrath, to have a King8om added to it,and to have a Right to all the Bleffings that ever the Grace of God means to befl:ow, and to have all this reputed yours, this is to be (wed truly and properly; it is to be Caved in Title, as the other is to befaved in Execu– tion. You know the word Saved, in our ordinary Phrafe, it is taken in a double Senfe; we either fay a Phyfician faveth a Man's Life, or we fay, a King faveth a Man's Life ifhe pardons him, and efpecially if he advanceth him to any great Place. Now when he faith, God faveth us, his meaning is,he faveth us as a Judg, as the Sovereign Lord ofHeaven and Earth, by endowing us with the Pardon of all Sin, and of RighteouGJefs, and Adoption, and what ever elfe ; which are all forinfecal Actions, ACtions ofa Tudge, without us. Therefore now when he faith, by Graceye arc foved, he means there ACts, which indeed are properly Salvation. As we ufe m fay oflnfl:itution and InduCtion into a Benefice,_ the Man bath the whole given him by Inl\itution, but he bath not Po!feffion but by Induction: fo here, by Grace 1e are foved; all that belongs to Salvation it comes immediately through the Hands of Free Grace, and is communicated to you by Faith. . And my Brethren, Salvation taken thus, in this Senfe, agrees with the (cope of the ApoO:le, and the Words of the Text every way. Firll:, 1-!e faith, le are foved, compleatly Caved. This now can be no way meant but in refpeCt of the whole Title and Tenure ofSalvation. He faith not, ;e JbaU befoved, but, ;·care foved, fully aud compleatly foved. And then again, ifyou mark the Words, the Apo!lle cloth fever this Salvation in the Title, conveyed to us by Faith, from the·workings ofGod upon us: For after he had affirmed, by Grace;e are foved, through F<~ith, he then (\Jews how over and above all rhat is wrought in us in this Life, it is by it too, and by Grace alfo. Hefevers therefOre the whole ofSalvatton in the Title and in the Right ofit,from thofe thin[I~ Whil'h are the means ofSalvation, as taken fi·omthe Pofleffion, which are both Faith, and the new Creature, and good Works, and the like. This I f.1y IS natural to the Text, that befides giving Salvation by Grace at firO:, which Fatth only receiveth, it !hews that Gtace cloth all in all in us befides, it maketh that Faith, and the new Creature, and every thing dfc in us. ""Nn And