Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expofition of the epijUe '"":--"~ And let me add this : yo'.' will not find a Scripture?where Believing, or where Serm.XXI. Sanfrificttion ts called Salvauon tt felf; they are fatd mdeed to be unto Salvaf ~and they are means, but the~ are not called pro~erlf and flriB:ly Salvation. l~'J accordingly as there ts Salvatton m the Tttle of tt gtven to us in one Lump, and the Works ofSalvatiOn wrought m us: fo you fhall find that the Scripture puts the [.1 me Difltn[lton between Grace: there ts etther the Grace that brings Salvation in the offer of it, as it is called in Tit. 2. II. that is big with it, that bath all Sal: vation in the Lump to beflow, and which it offers to invefl us with when we are Called. And there is Grace alfo taken for that difpen(atory Grace, as I may fo call it, which cloth work Grace in us. and gives us a Po!feffion, by a Power in mwhich Grace fets a-work: And this is called Grace too, in I Cor. 1 5· 10_ Not I, b11t the Grace of God which "'"'in me, or, with me. He means there the Grace of God as working in him, or with him. Therefore let .me tell you this, · though tt ts Grace that f.weth,. and Grace that fanlhfietb, and tt IS Grace that glo– rifieth, yet Grace faveth notm the fame manner t~at it fanfrifieth and glorifieth: For bow doth tt fanfrtfy ?•It ~s the fame Grace effictently mdeed, and immediately, the fame Grace tha~ doth JUfltfy us cloth adopt us ; b'.'t how cloth it fanfrity us ? It fana:ifieth us by mfufing Grace mto us; and there ts, as the Apoflle faith the Grace ofGod which is in me, a_nd :nhich is with me; w~ieh is in God wo;king with what he puts mto me, whtch tSthe Grace ofGod wtth me, or m me. But whenGrace is C;id to Cave orto juflify, there it is pure Grace, that is, it is not by workm~ any thmg m me, but by a meer Afr that refideth 1~ Go_d, yet entitleing me and mvdhng me to the whole ofSalvanon. And thts ts fatd to be received through Faith, all this whole Salvation is fo received. And as it cometh immedi– ately and purely through the Hands ofl\ree Grace, and cloth not confif'c, cloth not mingle it felf with any workings in me, fo Faith is that which doth immedi– ately receive it, receive the whole ofSalvation, as I fhall fhew you anon. As now, take Juflification, being Caved from Wrath, and Caved from Sin, the Scripture is clear in it that you receive it by Faith,beingjllflijied (faith he)by Faith. And fo Adoption, and Son·_fhip,_ being made Heirs ?fLife (which you may in fome Senfe make a part ofJuf'ctficauon, and fo the Scrtpture doth, yet norwith– franding) we are faid to receive it by Faith, Gal-4-4, 5· and Gal. 3· 26. Take both in, Remiffion ofSins, and being Heirs of Life, you receive them both through Faith, and through Faith alone ; you have a place for it in At1. 26. 18. a Speech ofChrifl fince he went to Heav.en, unto Pa11/, faith he, there, Th.t tbey may receive Forgivenefs ofSim, and Inheritance among them which are font1ifed by Faith that is in me. He divides the whole ofSalvation into thefe two things, into Forgivenefs ofSins, and inheritance a~ong them which are fan_tl:ified; he cuts off from thefe two Fa1th and Santl:tficauon ; he makes Sanfrtficatton a ~alification of that Perfon God means to fave ; but he makes Faith the thing that re– ceiveth the Right and Title, and fo receiveth Salvation compleatly, both the one and the other, and this from the H•nds ofFree Grace immediately. But I will not fland to enlarge thefe things, being clear and ~vident. And therefore although I might fhew you that Faith bath a great Hand m all parts ofSalvatton, yet I could not fhew you that it had a foie Hand. I could fhew you how it caufeth Repen– tance, how it is the Spring ofall good Works, of all Obedience, how it is that which goeth out unto Chrifl: to fetch in Holinefs and Strength, how it fanfrifieth and purifieth the Heart, how it brings in affurance of Salvation, which is called Salvation: all this might be fhewn that Faith cloth; how you are kept by the Power of God unto Salvation, and that through Faith. But noneofthefe,orthe mofl of thefe which I have named, are through Faith alone; they are not, I fay, communicated to us through Faith alone ; Faith alone cloth not fimtl:ify us, as the Papifl:s would Oander us, thoug~ Faith alone juf'cifieth us and f.weth us. Now here the Apof'cle fheweth what Fatth alone cloth, and therefore we mufl: exa/.Hy keep to that whole Lump ofSalvation, which at firflis beflowed upon us. And fo now yoq have the meaning of thefe Words, F01·ye areJaved. 'By Gr.~cc,J It implies the principal Caufe. By Grace, is meant the free Favour in the Heart of God out of us, as Jfhewed at large, when I opened that Scrip– ture, 'By G1·ace J' are foved, v. 5· And