Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the EPHESIAN S. And therefore to add but a Confirmation or two to it. InTrt. 2. ; r. where S~ he faith, The Grace ofGod hath appearedto11J, mch.3. v+ pc faith, The Kindmji ~ a11d Love of God hath appeared. And in Exod. 33· 19, that which is faid there, I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, mrd I wiU foew MerCJ on whom I 1viU jhew Mercy: In 'J?!m: 9· 15. it is, I will have nrercy orr whom. I will have mer?, and I will have compajjron on whom I wrll have compajjion; 1mplymg not a Grace m us, but a Grace that is in God. . . . . The Tapijii anathematize thofe, quiJlatmmt Gratiam qull juflijicamur, 1fe tan– tunr favarem Dei. Cone. Triden. SeiT: 6. c. n .. . ~ow when we fay, by Grace that is the Favour of Ood out ofus, the Q!.lefhon IS not, Whether, firf'c, Grace in Sc;ipture be t~ken fometimes for the: Gifts of Grace to us? We grant it: Nor fecondly, is ~he Qg_efl:ion, Whether mherent Holmefs, &c. be joined with Salvation or to flow from Grace? but that we even ar~ Caved thereby. Aod therefore'it is the greatefl: height of the Myfl:ery.of Iniquity that ever was among the Papif'cs, who do not hold, that we are not )Ufl:Ified at all by the Grace ()f God out of us, no, not fo much as the Forgivenefs of Sins, not that part of Sale vation. Altho they feem to pretend to it, and talk of Forgivenefs of Sins, yet in truth rhey do not hold Forgivenefs of Sins to confifl: in a free Favour, pardoning as one Man pardons another : but they make Remiffion of Sins to be nothing elfe but the Deletion, the blotting out of a Man's Sins. And therefore Va[que~, one of their greatef'c Schoolmen, fpeaks out, for he law it is that which muf'c nee celfarily come upon them, according to their Tenents; for what do they fay? They tell you, that there is but one Caufe of Juf'cification, and that is the Infu-. lion of Holinefs into us. Now mark it, if they held a Forgivenefs of Sins by Grace, then they mufl hold two Parts, or two Caufes of Juf'cification: one to lie in Remiffion ofSins by the free Grace and Favour of God,and the other in God'~ making us righteous inherently in our !elves: And fo our Juf'cification fhould have two heterogeneal, two uniform Parts, which were not like one to the other; one part of their Juftification mufllie in the Grace of God, without them wholly and meerly, and the other part mufl: lie. in inherent Righteoufnefs infufed into. them. Now to avoid this Abfurdity, they do clearly and plainly fay, and argue for it, that the true Remiffion ofSins lies in theblotting out ofSin; and as Dark– nets is done away by the coming in of Light, fo there is no other Pardon of Sin, but HolineCs and Righteoufnefs infufed, which ,cloth expell it. An~ this, I fay, their greateft Schoolman, Vafques, cloth expreOy and clearly f.1y. I do not fay, (faith he) that Sin is pardoned by a Grace and Favour out of our felves, but· it lies in this, (he fays it expreOy, without an Addition of a ne\v Favour) in having an inherent Holinefs infufed into us. What a damnable and defperate Doctrine is this ! ( befides the Derogation that is in it to the Grace ofGod ). for, no Man then-can believe that his Sin is pardoned, until he fee it expelled out of him. And therefore, my Brethren, hate Popery, for this is the Tenentofit. 1 'By Grace ye are javed, not only by having Sin pardoned, but being acounted Sons, and being accounted righteous. When you come to have the whole of Salvation beflowed upon you, it is meerly the Grace that is in the Heart of God, about which Faith deals immediatly. Now there is the Grace of God in EleCTion, which is the Original Grace i and there is the Grace of God, which cloth make Application of all tous : It is forfubfl:ance the fame Love, only I make this diflioction, as the Scripture alfq cloth : I fay, there is firfl:, the Grace of God in Election, which cloth bef'cow all that Salvation upon us, and that in Chrifl:; fo you have it in 2 11m. I. 9· He hath faved 11s according to his own Purpoft a11d Grace, which was givw tH in Chri51·· Jeftu before the World began. There was a Grace given us, and beftowed upon us in Chrif'c,before the World began; this is the Original Grace: Now,faith he,whcn · God comes to Cave you actually, he cloth it according to that Grace. Mark that Phrale, it is ufed there, and it is likewife in Tit. 3· 5· Accordi11g to hi< Mercy he, faveth m; fo in I Tet. I. 3· According to his ab11ndaNt 1Wercy he huth begotten ul agriin; that is, according to that Original Grace, which from everlafling he be– flowed upon us, that Favour which he did cafl upon us in his Son, that, Love continued now, the very fame, according_ to the Model, Purpofe, and Defign' thereof, IS Salvation be!l:owed upon us. And of this Grace he fpeaks here,. ~ ~ Nn2 dif.