Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expofition of the Epiflle S~ difptnfatory Grace, as I may fo call it, that is, when Elective Love continued to ~ us, cloth upon the C1mc Terms out of whtch he firfl: chofe us, befl:ow all that Salvation upon us. The Ufe of this Difl:inttion you fhall fee afterwards in the next Difcourfe. I will not fl:and to by open to you the Riches and Greatnefs of this Grace for that I did before: I fi1ewed how all of Salvation depended upon it; I fh;wed you the Rtches of thts Grace, I have done tt agam and again. Now when he faith, By Grace, you mufl: take in the Grace of all the three Perfons, the Favour ofthem al.!; he doth not fay by the Grace ofGod only; he cloth not memton JdliS Chnfl: m thts, therefore I fay take all in, the Grace ofthe Father, which is called the Grace of God, who is C1id to be the Saviour, in Ifa.43· 3· I am the Lorcl thy God, the Holy One of Ifrael, thy Savi(lllr: And the Grace of Jefus Chrifl:, 'tis his Favour alfo that we are faved by: It was the Grace of God that gav~ Jefi.ts Chrifl:, he died by the Grace of God ~ fo you have it in Heb.2.9. It was hts Love, or a Grace 111 the Heart of Jefus Chnfl:, that caufed him to be– come the Author and Purchafer ofal~ Salvation to us.: You kz;ow the Grace of our Lorcl Jefo• Chrifl, ( fatth the Apofl:le 111 2 Cor. 8. 9·) that tho he was rich, yet for your jaf<ts he became poor, that ye through his Poverty might be rich. And, Gai.r.6. it is called the Grttce of Chrifl. And then it is the Grace of the Holy-Ghofl: like– wife, for all three Perfons concur in it ; and becaufe the Apofl:le doth fafl:en it neither upon the Father, nor upon the Son, nor upon the Holy-Ghofl:, let us take them all in : Rev. I. 4• Grace be .unto JOlt from the fevell Spirits, that is from the Holy-Ghofl: · For, to C1y that Grace fhould be wifhed from any Crea~ ture; or totakeflven'sfirits for created Gifts, or for Angels, as fome have done, and to join them to the other two Perfons which he had fpoken of before, is ex– tremely abfurd; therefore he means the Holy-Ghofl:, who is therefore called the Spirit of Grace, in Heb. ro. 29. Now it is Grace alone, that is, the free Favour of God the Father, and of God the Son, and of God the Holy-Ghoft, thatbe– ftows all Salvation upon us; why? Becaufe this Whole of Salvation confifteth in a reckoning us to be Heirs and Sons ; now whatfoever is thus by way ofRec– koning and Account, it is by Grace. When he comes to befl:ow Salvation upon us, is it not an infinite thing, my Brethren, that that God who loved us from everlafl:ing, when he comes to call us, and work Faith in us, fi10uld in a moment, in an infl:ant, refpet'cing nothing in us, po!fefS us ofall Salvation ! RefpeCting nothing in us, it is therefore Grace. Rom. 3· 24. We are jl'.ftifecl freely by hi< Grace. The word there [freely J is to thew that it is meerly Grace, it is without caufe, it is Grace died in Grace, as I ufe to fay, gracious Grace ; for Co that Phrafe, Free~ byht's Grace, will war– rant fuch Expreffions: Prorjiu grati1, as Al'.ftin calleth tt, that befl:ows all of Salvation. And as it doth do it without refpetting any thing in us, fo he doth do it not– notwithfl:anding all that he feeth in us. A So11/ may fay, 0 Lord, thou doft freely give, not finding fomething why thou fhouldefl: Cave, but all why thou fh?uld~fl: damn, and yet befl:owefl: the Whole ofSalvation upon us. And what an mfimte Gift is this! that the poorefl: Believer that is, bath the Whole of Salvation in that moment that he believeth, and he receiveth by it the Whole of Salvation I It may not only be faid of him, that be fhall be Caved, but that he is Caved: It is made Cure to all the Seed by Grace, as the Apofl:le's expreffion is in Rom. 4· But I will not fl:and to enlarge upon thefe things now. You have had thefe two things expounded : I. What ismeant by Savecl? 2. What by Grace? And how the Whole of Salvation is given to us by the free Grace of God towards us. The next thing now that I lbould come to, i.s, To fhe~ you, how all this is conveyed to us by Faith, that the Whole of tt, I fay, ts conveyed to us by Faith. In