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to the EPHESIAN S. In the4th Verfe of this Chapter, faith he, For the great Love whemvith he loved"'--"~ 111, he bath q•icknedw, &c. And in 2 Tim. r. 9· According to the Gn:ce gh·en 111 ~ in Chrifl, he bath Javed 111, and called ut, &c. Yet, fecondly, you mull: con!ider this, That this Grace of Elel:tion meerlr, nilnl ponet in nobis, it wrought no alteration at all in the Men, in the Perfons themfelves; but this Grace,, when it comes to apply, it works an alteration in the Perfons: And therefore in that refpcCt it may truly be C1id to have a diffe– rence; a difference, namely, between eleCting Love, and that which juflifies and fanetifies, tho it is but the Came eleCtmg Love continued to us. As it imports the fame Love in God that cloth dell, and that cloth juflify ; Co withal it imports a Love working a Work in us, even in Application.. As now by.way 'of Paral– lel, it is the fame Love that cloth fanchfy wh1ch cloth Jllflify; yet m the Work of Jullification God works nothing in us, but only reckons fomethingsours; it is an Act out of us, in God himfelf; but Grace fanetifying, is a Work in us : So like– wife is it here; EleCl:ing Grace, it did ponere nihil in nobis, it did pnt nothinoo upon us at all, for we were not; only we. had that Grace given us in Chrir?, who then was in exifrence, as you have 1t m that 2 TiNt. r. 9· But this, I f. 1y, cloth ponere aliq~tid: We are faved by Grace thro~tgh Faith; and tho not of Wor/;[, yet there is a Workmanfhip created. It is the fame Qg.efrion, as if you fhould ask me, Whether that Love of God which was from Eternity, was the fame, and no other, that gave Jefus Chrifr up to Death in the Fulnefs of Time? How would I anfwer it? I would fay, it is the fame ; for that God (as the Apofrle faith) did in the jiti11Cfl of Time fend hi1 Son, it was out of that Love that was from everlamng : God fo loved the World, that he fent hi1 only begotten Son, &c. Yea,and it may be truly faid, that Jefus Chrifr his coming into the World was but the Manifeflrllion of th•t Grace, which wa1 given 111 before the World wa1, as you have it in 2 Tim. J, ro. But yet Withal, for all that, to fend Jefus Chrifl: into the World, was a new Grace too; and therefore in Heb. 2. 9· he is C1id to be put to Death by the Grace of God. And fo now, rho EleCting Grace is the fame with that which jufrifies, yet whel,l the Holy·Ghofr cometh to work, and to ap– ply, (for all three Perfons mull: have a like Honour) it may be faid to be a ne~v Grace, even as the fending ofChrift into the World was ; for fo £1r forth as there is a newnefs in the one, there is a n.?wnefs in the other. As now, it is a Grace of God, to make a Promife long before of any Mercy to his Creature ; and when he performs it, it is all accordiug to his Promife, yet it is a new Grace for . him to do it : So it is here. And therefore, in the third place, I defire you to confider, that frill when the Scripture fpeaksofcalling us, it ufeth thisexpreflion, According to the Grace given ""before the World began. So you have it in that place fo often quoted, 2 Ti11t. 1.9. which indeed is a place parallel to, and openeth this : He hatb faved tu, faith he, and called 111, according to tbe Grace givemu in Chuifl before the World began, That place fheweth, I. That it is a Grace out of us, for ·it was ~:iven us before the World began: 2, That it is a Grace without us; and, 3, That Calling likewife is a Grace, the Holy-Ghofr therein working according to the Pattern of what was given to him. Now add to this, that in R0111. 9.II,I2. a place pertinent to this purpofe, (the end why I fpeak this you fhall lee by and by ) The Children be– ing not ;et born, ( fpeaking of Jacob and Efa~t, and of the Prophecy that God gave out of them long before) neitber having done any good or evil, that the Pnrpife of God according to EldJion mightjla11d, not ofWorll,f, but ofhim that calleth. I quote this place to this end. You have here, firfr, a Purpofe of God in Election, which was towards Jacoh. Secondly, You have a Purpofe that frood ; t)le very C1me when ]acob was in the Womb, it did continue to frand, [That the Purpofeof God accordin,g to EldJion, faith he, might jland,J and out of it he called Jacob in the end ; and that is cal– led the Fonndation ofthe Lord. But yet, Thirdly, If you mark it, he addeth thcfe words, That the Purpofe according to E/c[/ion might jla11d, not of Wor/;[, but of hint that calleth. · Here is Grace now, when it comes to call, it bath an eye to that Purpole which was from everlafring, which Purpofe frandeth frill, and out of it calleth. And os the Grace of God iooked