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to the E PH ES I A N S. to him, yet there mufr be a Legal All: pafs from the King, before this M; n is faid ~ to be pardoned, not till fuch time as his Pardon is read at the Bar, and he is ac- Scr.!XXII. quitted ; yea, tho the King had fealed the Pardon before, yet this Man is not ~ reckoned pardoned, till this legal Sentence of it. And therefore in Rom. 5· t r. we are faid, by Chrifl to have now received the .Aionmrent: It is .an emphatical expreffion. And in the 19thVerfe of that Chapter, there is a notable variation of the Phrafe, which is obfervable, fpeaking there of the Parallel of .Adam and of Chrift, faith he, By one .Man's Difobedience, many were made Sinners; Jo by the Obedience of one, fba/1 many be made Righteous : The one is in the Future, the other in the Preter-perfell: Tenfe. What"s the Reafon of the variation of the Phrafe? Becaufe that all Men, as foon as ever they are made Men, (he !peaks of that Multitude) in Adam they are all Smners ; but there are a Multitude of Elell:, that are Men, and do exifr, that !hall ~made righteous. My Brethren, when the Scripture faith, We are Caved by Faith, and jufrified by Faith, and not ofWorks, there mufr needs be more meantthan a Manife!lation; why ? Becaufe our Salvation is manifefred to others by good Works, as well as by Faitla; as you have it in Jam. 2. 24. But what !hall we fay to all thole pla– ces? He that believtth not, iscondemned alreadJ? John 3· 36. It will be faid, He ft~a/1 be condemned? It is true, but yet you fee that Text !peaks further, and is exprefs in it, that He is condemned already, and the Wrath of God abideth on hi11r. And it·mu!t not be put off with this, That he that believeth not, bath the ap– prebenfion of Wrath; but he is really under Wrath, and that is his State. How we are faved, and how we are not Caved, I !hall give you a difrinll:ion by and by. The Holy-Ghofr bath left unto him a Share (as we fay) to effell: about our Salvation, as really as the Father or the Son bad before. We were elected to Sal– vation before the World was. l;!sk you this. When Chrifr came to redeem us, whether did he fave us by his Redemption ? You tl}ufr needs fay, Yes. If we were faved before, I ask, How we are faved by Cbrifr? Did Chrifr only fave us manirefratively? Did not he do it really? We !hall otherwife make Chrifr an improper Saviour. I ask again, Was not God'sLove as much to us before Chri~ died, as after? Affuredly his Love was as much to us before as after; why? Be– <aufe he did out of ~bat Love give Jefus Carift for us, and Chrifr did commend his Love to us. If it be faid, asit is by Come, that Jefus Chriil was only for the continuation of the Love of God for ever ; I ask, When we were chofen in Chrifr before the World began, was not ~bat Grace then given usfor eve;? What needed then the.Death of Jefus Chrifr for the continuation of the Love of God ? Now, my Brethren, if notwithftanding·Gocl"s Purpofe .of Grace f;om everla!ting, Jefus Chvift be really a SaviGur, and he fa~e~h his PeGple frorp their Sins ; then not– withfranding Grace from everlafriog, and Jefus Chtifr"s dying, there may be flill left a true Sence inwhicb the Holy-Gho1Haveth us-too, when he cometh to apply Salvation to us; for he cloth run an equal Share in Honour with the Father, and with the Son: Were it his Work, only w make manifefr what the Father and the Son hath done, his Share were lefs. So that whil(! Men fet up Free– Grace in this vefpect, they detraCt from the Holy·Ghoft, and tbe Grace of God ' in Chrift. As.Chrifr became the Author of Salvatiog unto all them that obey him, it was not a bare Manifefiation ofSalvation to them, but an Alteration of their State l So it is when the Spirit faveth us. · But 'YOU will an(wer me, How can this be, that we fhould be Children of Wrath, and yet that God fhould love us, and out of that Love call us, and yet the Love be the Came ? If they will anCw€r me another Qgcll:ion, I wlll anfwer that; and that ls this, How was Jefus Chrifr beloved, and a Curfe at the fame time ? Do but anflver .me. How were they in 'J?!!11r. 11. &remies, and belovedat the l1me time? Whe– ther did ~ot.God acrua!ly and ~eally l•y the Sins of us all upon.Chrifi, who yet <it the fame·ume was without Sm ? And agam, Was not Chnfr when on the Crofs,