Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

cvfn Expojition of the Epi{Ue ~ Crofs, really made Sm ; and yet now he is in Heaven, he is without Sin even in ~that very refpect wherein before,when on E?rth,he was Sin i! Was not Jefus Chrifl: once made Sin m a true real fence? Cettamly he was : And is not now Jefus Chrifl: without Si11 in the fame fence? So the Apofl:\e faith; Now then anfwe– rably, we may be Enem1es, and ~et loved of God: we may be Children of Wrath, and condemned already, 111 refpect of that fl:ate we fl:and in, and after– wards astrul~, as once JefusChrifl: was made Sin: He will appear the fecond time W1tho11t Sm, fatth the Apofi:le, Heb. 9· 28. Is there fuch an Alteration made in Chrifi:'sCondition, and a.real one? Certainly there may be the like in ours. In 2 Cor. 5.ult. the Parallel" exact: Him did God mah! to be Sin for"'' that lznew no Sm, that we tmght be nu1de the Righteo11foefl of God in him. As on Chrifl:'s part, there was a Time when God laid all our Sins upon Chrill, and then another Time in which he took all our Sin. off from him, when he had fatisfied for them: So on ours, there is a Time when God doth lay the Righteoufnefs of Jefus Chnll upon us, and takes off that State of Wrath that we were in in our own Pcrfons. And as it were abfurd to fay, (as fome) that our Sins are tran– Dated upon Chrifl: then when we believe; fo that we were then made the Righ– teoufnefs of God in him, before we are call'd and believe, in that fence that the Apofi:le there fpeaks. The Parallel then Iieth in this, That as there was a Time when God laid our Sins on Chrift, made him Sin, which was on the Crofs, when alfo at the fame time he was perfonally without Sin: So there is a Time, when God accounts perfonally tons Chrill's Righteoufnefs. And again, as there fuc– ceeded a time when Chrifl: that was made Sin, and remained under it for a while is withont Sin(as now for ever he is)fo there was a time when we,who are now ju: f\ified, were not jufl:ified but were Sinners and Children ofWrath,and that truly before God as truly as that now we are faved before God. And that is certainly to me the meaning ofthat in Rom. 8. 4· The Righteo~tfoefs of the Law is foljiiled i11 "'· Do we fulfil the Righteoufnefs ofthe Law? No, but as it.was fulfilled in and by Jcfus Chrill before, fo the fame being applied unto us, when we believe, i• faid to be fi1lfilled in us, that is, is made good in us, as we may fo exprefs it; in that difcharge of his, we, as con!idered in him, are made the Righteoufnefs of God. But you will fay, How are we faved in Chrifl: and jufl:ified in Chrill upon be– lieving, when we were juf\ified from our Sins, in Chrifl: when he rofe, CN. and had Sin taken off from him, did not he reprefent us then? .Adan/s Inllance will clear all. Were not all Mankind condemned in .Adam i' yet no Man is condemned in his own Perfon till he is born, yet reprefentatively in .Adamall died. So it is here.. So far as we take Chrifl: as a common Perfon re– prefcnting us, what was done in him, was done for us in him, and fo from Eterni– ty, beforeChrill died, we were faved in him, in that Sence, Accordi11g to the Grace wa< given in Chriji before the World began, faith he, in 2 Tint. r. 9· Chrifl: himfelf purehafed it, w.ith a referve till we believe and repent, or elfe we are not to have the Benefit of his Death. The Bond Jay in God the Fathers Hand nil we fhould come in to him for it. I do not know that the Scripture ulcth the Word faved from Everlalling, but only that the Grace was given us in Chrill, and that Chrill died reprefenratively. But when we come to exifl: in our own Perfons, then it is applyed to us, and we are faved in our own Perfons by that Grace, which once made Jefus Chrill a common Perfon for us. The great millake in this thing to me is this. It is one thing what God dothin his own Brea(l: as God, limply confidered, and another thing what he cloth as a judg, as he will come forth to the World, and proceed by a Rule in t~e Eyes of all Ma1ikind, and give an account of all at latter day: what A& are m Ius own Brcafl: and what are in his Breafl: with Relation to the Creature externally. Now to Cw~, and to condemn, thefe are ACl:sofGod as a Judg. Jullificalion and Sal– vation, is a foren!ical Act, it is an Act where there is an accufing and where there is an acquitting, as in Rom.8. you have it, and ofien in other places. Now though God as God bath favcd us from Everlafl:ing, in his own Breall, yet take him as a Judg, that profe(feth therefore to go by a Rule, and fo we are not faved, accordmg