An Expojition of the epijUe - ---- jOO &;~be jlljlifed by the Law of Mofes; as really by the one, as we could not really by ~the other. . Again, that Opinion m?tl: needs make all Fatth Affurance, and fo condemn a , Multitude of the Generation of the Jufl; for tf Fatth be only the Manife!\ation of Jutl:ificanon, every Man that be!teveth, bath bts Jutl:tficatton made manifeft to him, and fo is a!Tured of bts Salvation: And tt makes Juftification alfo an im– proper thing, as I (hall !hew you by and by. When the Scripture fpeaks of our being jutl:ified, it cloth not mean a Juftifi. cation manifefted to us only. Read but the 3d, 4th, and 5th Chapters of the Romans, and mark the Coherence.. When he had proved, that we are juftified by Fatth, and that before God, ( tt ts not onlymour own Confciences) in chap+ he cloth by th~s prove, that Abra'fmwas not jufi:ified by Works, becaufe then be had not been JU!l:tfied before GaP., and be would have had wherewith before God to have boatl:ed : If he bad not fpoken of a Jutl:ification before God and but of the Manifeftation of it to u~ thi~ had not been a good Argument ~f the Apofi:le's. And that he clearly dtfnngmfheth between Juftification really given to us when we believe, and the A!furance of it, is clear, by chap. 5· v. l . com– pared with the former: 'Bemg ;ujlifjed. by Faith,, we have 'Peace with God, faith be: Bj whom alfo we have .ccefs by Faith, and re.Joyce zn Hope of GlorJ &c. So that be makes Peace with God, and Ajfitrallce of Salvation, and the Love ofGod fbed abroad in our Hurt1, and ]oy in God, &c. to be the Fruit of Faith. Now this could not have been, if that our Salvation and Jutl:ification bad been only the Manifeftation of our Juftification, and of the Love of God to us. The truth is, this Opinion, firfi:, it makes our Jufi:ification a meer Trope and Figure in Rbetorick; where Glorification is not, thefe would not be glorified by a Trope only: Whom he hath predeflinated, them he alfo jiif/ified; and whom he j'ifiifed, them he alfo glorifed: Why fhould not Jutl:ification be taken in a real Sence, as well as Glorification, or Calling. It, fecondly, makes all Faith to be Affurance, as wasfaid. Thirdly, If you will fay, that there may be any kiod of Manifeftation of EleLl:ion and Salvation by Signs, be it but probable; and fo far all grant, and an Ufe of them all do grant, after the Revelation of Jufi:ification by the Spirit, which is mediate: Then if Juftification be only the Manifeftation of Salvation, fo fur as they may Cerve to concur to the Manifeftation of Juftification, we muft needs hold that we are jufi:ified by Works; but the Text faith clearly, that we are juftified by Faith, and not of Works : 'BJ Grace Je are faved through Faitb. Next you will enquire, How thr~mgh Faith? Firft; Some fay, by it as an Infi:rument. The truth is, when you refolve that Phrafe into its right Logick, it is the Habit of Faith is the Inftrument, rather than the ALl: of Faith. Many Q!)eries may be, How through Faith? As, Firft, Whether it be to be confidered as an In!l:rument of God's jufti– fying of us? The truth is, when you refolve that Afferti9n into its right Logick, it is the Habit of Faith, rather than the Afr, muft be called the Inftrument of either. v;d. cm,J And thus the moft judicious Divine I know in that Point, and in the Point of t~~~;/~··: ~~. Juftification, acknowledgeth it. There is ( fait.h he) tb~ ~rinciple of Faith, Habu~,;l,,. and there is the Afr of Fatth; now properly 1t IS the Prmctple of Fatth, that .~;;:;,l;.:~~;~'f5 muft be ea\led the Inftrument, the.Act is the way or means thereof: Ar:~ if fo, ,.,J,u, f.1c. then more is attributed to the Habtt, than the Afr. " Then