to the EPHESIANs. ofyour felves, what is the Reafon, that Cbrill: when he came, faid that after his. S~ Afcenftion, then the World fhould come in, and that God lliould fay in Ages to ~ come he would fave Men, through this Grace? It is meerly his Free Grace. 'By Graceyou are faved, and that tbrough Faith, which if the Gift ofGod 5. It . is given to you to believe, you are not able to think a good Thought of yout !elves, to you it is given. Salvation is a Gift, Chrifr a Gift, and Faith is a Gift; when I have found out a Chrill:,I mufr find out a Faith to lay hold on him; 2ll our whoie Salvation goes by Gift. The Grace given before the World began gives Chrifr for us,and us to Chrifr. Thus Chrill: is a Gift,and Faith alfo is a Gift; God gives that to us. 'By Grace JOU are faved, through Faith, and that not of yo11r felves, it is the GiftofGod. I ' ' SERM: