Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the EPHESiANS: for he is finfui, Heb. 10. 22. & Heb. 9· 14. A Man mu!t have his Heart fprinkied "-~ from an evil Confcience. What is it that fprinkles it ? it is Faith that doth it by ~ taking the Blood ofChri(t The Holy-Gljo!t in the Soul by Faith fprinkles the Confcience,and that quiets it. Heb. IO. 14. That he may p11rge yo11r Confcience from dead Worf<!. Now then there is nothing that willlatisfy your Confcience, in refpell: of the Guilt ofSin, but only the Blood, Death and R.efurrell:ion of Chri!t. While Confcience !hall be fuffered to [peak louder than Faith, it will cry theBloo..t ofChri!t down, as in lfa. 59· I2. fay they, Salvation is far off, a< for 011r lniqttities we know them. Slight thoughts ofSin further Prefumptions, but Sin difcovered of it fel(hinders Faith, you all feel it. But there is a fecond way, wherein Confci· ence, ifit be not fubordinate to Faith, hinders Faith both fecretly and clofely,and 'llraws all your Hearts its way, that I fay ofall that is in Man, there is not a greater EnemY. t<,> Fait)l. . . This I will C1y in the General to you, There are two tovenants, ~;be Covenant ofGrace, and the Covenants ofWorks, and thefe two are incompatible ohe with another. Take the Law as it is a Covenant, it is incompetent with the Covenant ofGrace. Thefe two, are two Vice-gerents in Man's Heart; the Law hath Na· tural Confcienco in Mens Hearts to keep its Courts, .and the Gofpel hath Faith in the Heart to keep ChriCr's Court. Now all Men in the World, let them be never fo much enlighmed, and have not Caving Grace, they are under the Law, there· fore Confcience is the Supream Principle in them; all Men that are Godly are un· der Grace, Rom.7. I. Rom.6.4. thereforetheyareunderFaith. Now here lies the great My!tery ofit; that ({ill Confcience would be the Supream Principie, it would all: according to the Tenor ofthe Law in a Man's Spirit, it would keep a Man under the Law; for it is true to its Ma!ter, which naturally its appointed to ferve, and doth oppofc the Dignity ofFaith, and therefore only God can fo Cub-' due Confcience unto Faith, as the Law 0ught to be fubdued to the ~ofpel; SERM~