Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

4 / I ~SERMON on ~hen, Thirdly, FortheClofeof that 16th Verfe, that he !houldinlike iler bring in a fecond time thefe words, [ Having flain the Enmity J upon oc mt,n• of his mentioning our Reconciliation to God, argues flill more his Aim to b.'on ~ut off the 16th Verfe from the 15th: For if thole Words, v. 16. That he,;~~ _reconcile "' to God, had referred to that other, [Having jlain the Enmity, v. 1 f J as a part of that Sentence not made compleat ; then this fecond [ Having" flai the Enmit! J needed not to have been:. but cloth rather !hew, that there is ano: ther Enmity between God and us, d1flma: from the former intendedby him. and Co the Oaying thereof, joined proper\y and genuinely with it's fellow·conjJgate, namely, Reconcihanon unto God, as the former, v. 15. had inlikemannerbeen connected with it's conjugate alfo, making both one among themfelves. If in– deed the Apoflle had carried his Speech in v. 15. thus, Having aboli/he.d the En~ mity betrl!Cfn them, th.t he might create one "."" Man, and that he migh't reconcile both 11nto God in one Body, and fo ended hiS D1\courfe of it, then thcfe two in their reference could not have been parted : but he moreover adding to their Reconciling to God, a fecond time, thefe words, Having flain the Enmity, name– ly, that between God and us, he fo maketh the r6th Verfe an entire Sentence and Period of it felf, as the I 41h and I 5thdo make in like manner a full Period of themfelves: and fo the I4'band I 5th are to be read and joined thus: ChriiE hath madt both (Jew and Gentile) one, having flain the Enmit;, (that was be– _twcen them); thus Bez.a and others: and anfwerably the 16th to this Sence ,with an eafy and fair Tranfpolition, And having jlain, or, And bath flain the En= mity, (namely, between God and them) that he might reconcilt both unto God in one Body by the Crofl, on which he alfo Oew that Enmity. And whereas it will be faid, That the word [ •«~] or [and] which the 16th Verfc begins with, feemeth to cafl the reference of this upon the former flaying the Enmity, v. I 5· and fo the latter to be but an emphat!cal Repetition of the fame: I anfwer, That that [a11d] v. 16. is but all one with moreover, as it ·;, often ufed, as introducing a new and di!tinct Difcourfe, added to a former. -And Co, ' Fourthly; As thus underflood, the Parallel is rendred yet more full; for as there is here found a double Enmity, and an anfwerable double Oaying ofeach, i"n order to a double R.econciliation, fo to make up the Parallel (which the Apoflle intended ) yet the more full, there are two further Claufes added to each, fitly anfwering one to another : For as of the one he fays, Having abolijbed the Enmi~ :[inhi< Flejb] v. rs. So of the other (the latter) in like manner he fpeaks, Having jlain that Enmit) [in himftlf] v. 16. as the Greek bears, and the Mar· gin varies it. Now as to any Difficulty propofed,that which is left as material tobe conlidered is only this, How his having !lain that Enmit)' between us our !elves fir!!, !hould be conceived to be the Antecedent to reconcile us to God ? "Now for Anfwer hereunto. _ Firjl; Belides, that according to that Connection which I have given, tliat the 16th Verfe lhould thus make up a full Period of it felf, and doth keep it [elf entire within it felf, (as the fourteenth and fifteenth Verfc:s alfo do)' and fo not at all referring to the flaying the Enmity, v. 1 5· as hat~~ :explained which Coherence doth at once cut off the whole of that ObJeCtion at firll made: But belides this, ( fuppofing it might take in, and refer to that _!laying the Enmit~,.v.15.among Saints, as the Antecedent, or a~ le_afl, Ing~edient unto their Reconciliation With God) there may perhaps this JUll Affmlment _, be given thereto. . That, Secondly; In order of Nature, all Enmity mull firfl be fuppofed remo• ved, ere Friendfhip, o~ (~s her~) Reconciliation can be .fuppofed to be procu• red : the reafon of which IS obvious to any Jud!lment; firfl,. Peace, by flaymg Enmity, and then good Will. And fo upon thiS, and the like groundi, thefe - '" words