Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

words, That he might reconcile onto God in one Body, may well be fuppofed td have a fecondary afpefr to his having ~rft abolifhed the Enmity between our fel'(~;j.l: t 5. a~v.:en:a;; our.En!J!ity.againl,l: God,v.161Andthe A, poft\~:saddi~g [i~ one Body J (which he ftudioufly hath done) !hews, that tliey be!Dg under t~at hotiori and refpefr reconciled unto (;od, by Chrift upon the Crofs; that therl withall at the fame time, yea, in order of Nature, firft, their Enmities one againft ano– tliet were removed, as well as againll God hirtifelf: All forts of Enmities IJejng to be rerho':ed, ere'any fort of Reconciliation attained, furely under that Notion they cannot be con!ldered reconciled to God, but withall it mull be faii:l, th.ey are l(t peace, and fo made one among themfelves ; at leaft, thefe two do mutually argue each theother.Ifindeed there had been room left for us to conceive;thatour Reconciliation with God bad been fo wrought by Chnll for us, as for each Per" fori confidereci only f)ngle and apart~ ( tho even fo it was ihtende_d, namely, for each and every Perfon; and thts IS mvolved m that other ) then mdeed it might have been fu_P.p~fed,that their Enmit!es to God had.beei_J flain and dorie firft away; and Reconcthanon wrought wuh h1m fir!t, by one pnmary Afr, and then after– that, ex confiq11e'1ti, a~a fecondary ~ork, our Reconciliation amongft our felves had Been calt in, and followed·thereupon ; or which is all one, wrougHt and procured by a fecond Afr or Intention of Chri!t's. But if in one and the fame very i!)dividual Af!_, and Intention of their being reconciled to God, they were tonfidered as one '13ody, and that this was put in as an involved Ingredient there– into; fo yG>u mu!t neceffarily fuppofe their own mutual Enmities done away alfo; at Jeaft, tpget~er therewith, by one and the fame individual A/.1: alfo ; and this Cot\fideration, if there were no other, is a fuflicient Salvo to the fore-mentioned I?ifliculty. Now how this Reconciliation unto God in one Body was performed by Chrift on the Crofs, Ilhall handle afterwards. , Ilhall trouble you no further with untying this Knot, or the drawing out intd one finooth and continued Line, the Series of this Coherence : For however (take the 16thVerfe in which of thefe Sences you pleafe} the Words in the t4fh and 15th Verfes are fufficient Bbttom for the Heads of that whole Difcourfe I intend; forthefe Words, v. 14, 15. do undeniably (asallmu!tconfefs) treat of the R,ecpnciliation of the People _of God among themfelves, and fufficiently hold forth thefe two Generals. 1. 'The Work of Chrift upon the Crofs to procure it: He bath made both iJiti:; having jlain the Enmity in hw Flefb·; and bath virtually.(in the virtue of his J)eath) broke down the Partitioh-WaU that occafioned it, which in his Provi– dence he after ruined. And, ~- The Work of Chri!t by his Spirit in us, creating both one new Man i~ himfd£ And now take the other Words, v. t6. in either Serice, or in both, (which are not inconfi!'tent) however this is obfervable even therein, That the Apoftle was not content to have fetly purfued the Saints Reconciliation among themfelves; in thofe two whole VerlCs, the 14thand 15th, but when he fpeaks of Reconcili– ation with God alfo, v. 16. he mult needs add and put in that Claufe alfo, In one Body; the mutual Reconciliation then af the Saints il; upon all accounts, the principallntendment of the Apoftlc here. ·