Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

6 !!A S, E, R M 0 N on 1/Je 'J)iJJijion of t!Je Words : The princip41 He4Js of tbit ~ftor4rP. Jet out, w!Jkb 4Yt four. NOw for the Divilion of the· .Words, that will fall according to either the larger, or eire the more fpec~al Scope ofthe Words. If we take them in that firfi and largefi comprehenlivenefs, as treating of both our · Reconciliation with God, and between our felves alfo, and how Chrifi our Peace is both, fo they ad. mit of this Divilion' and Analylis. I. That the general Theme and Argument of the whole lhould be premi~d in t!iefe Words, Chri/lHJ Pax 11ojira, Chrifl i1 our Peace; which is the Infcription of a Proclamation ot him under one of his eminent Royal Titles, Chrift the great And perfe& Teace-mai(,er. And then, . 11. Proclaiming him fuch, in all the Branches or Particulars thereof; that may argu.e him fucb. Firft; As an univerfal Peace-maker, as bo1h being a Peace between all forts of Perfons at variance, and alfo extending his Mediation to the removing of all forts of Enmities: Firfi, Perfons; as, 1. Between us, v. I9. that is, among our felves, aboli!hing 'T"' ~x.Seg.v, that Enmity, v. 15. ~. Between God and us, flaying that Enmity alfo, v. 16. thus an univerl9.1 Peace-maker. Second!J ; The Efiabli!her of a through and perfect Pea~e, both for time pall, and time to come. 1. Who bath already made and concluded it, as in his own Perfon, o"""""'• he hatli made it, Mcm.s, he bath diffolved and broke down, and fo not now to be done. And, . . 2. The fame fecured for the future, even for ever; thefe Enmities being abo– li!hed, v. 14, 15· that is, utterly abolilhed, as never to get head; flain, v. 16. never to revive. · ThirdiJ; Our cornpleat Peace, as in refpeCl: to all parts that concur to it, and ways of Peace to accomplilh it, and make it lure. Fir((, in refpeCl: of PariJ: Both, · 1. Negative, by removing and defiroying.even the very occalion of the Bn• mity, the Partition-WaU of Ordinances, breaking that down; and again, v. 16. flayin~ the Enmity it fel£ · · · • ~. P.ojitivc, expreffed in two words, 'R,:conciling, v. 16. Makj11g both one, v. 14, 15. Then, Fmtrthly; By all forts of ways accomplilhing it. 1. Reprefenting us in his Perfon, as in one Body, v. 16, perfonating all his People, and )lnder that conlideration reconciling them to God, and one another. il ~. Meritorioufly, taking on his Perfon (as reprefenting their Perfons) all their Enmities, [in hit Flejb J or the human Nature, lays the t5th Verfe, hang· ing on the Crofs, v. 16. and fo offering up that as one common Sacrifice to GOd for all, (he is laid to reconcile aD in one Body by the Croft, v. 16.) 3· Efficiently, by his Spirit, creating both into one M2n; of all Con– junctions the nearefi, and that Creation wrought in himfelf, of all Foundations of Union the firmefi; for they being both created one new Mau, and united in and to himfelf, he is able, and will be lure to hold them for ever together. And to put the more evident Notice upon all he bad faid, or !houId fay of him in this refpetl:, he intermingleth in the midfi of his Difcourfe, thisSelah, or Note • of