Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

8 cvf S E R M 0 N on Likewife an old Hatred, (as the Prophet Ezekjel in his Time termed it ti kEzek,25.,5. ing ofJhat between the Philijlim·Gentiles and the 'Jews; but this was now' f~~vn much older, in all of two thoufand years continuance,) even from the firrfr wherein God feparated the People from the reO: of the Nations, as in Abrah ·~e Circumcifion he did ; a Wali of Separation, (if I may purfue the Metaph:;'' .Y the Texq whofe Foundation was laid in Abraham's Time, when Circumcfii~~ was firfl: gtven, (for that began the Quarrel) reared up hiaher by .:MojeisRite further lengthned and O:retched ont in allthe Times oftheProphets, througho~~ all Ages, mllll Chnfl:, who came to abohfh tt, •nd break it down. Andlatlly, an univerfal Hatred in the Jews to all Nations, and in all Nations to the Jewes; even all thatwe~e called, 7d <av• h <nip>«, Gentiles in the Flejh, and Vt~ctrc11mcijio11, by that whtch IS called Czrromcijon, v. 1 I. as all Nations were termed and r~ckoned by them. TlmsGod fore-ordained, that as to.honour his Son in reconciling us to himfelf, ~e permitS the great~O: Sms and Enmmes to be m the Hearts and Lives of thofe he mtends to Cwe, agamfl: htmfelf: fo ltkcwtfe, that the highefl: and toughell Ani– mofities fhould be found amongfl: thofe, (when he fhould come upon Earth) that wer~ o~dain~d to b~ hi~ People, to fhew the Sovereign Power and Efficacy of his Medtauon, m con(htuung them one new Man m Htmfel£ Thefe but in General for a Foundation out of the Text. The Story of the Particul~rs of it hat~ two Branches : 1. What it was between them before Chrifl:, and the Converfion of either to the Chrillian Faith? 2. What after Converlion, and that both equally had embraced Chrill? Fir.fl; Take the Elevation of it before, both out of the Scripture, and other authentick Teltimonies : Both, t. Of the Jew againlt the Gentile. z. Of the Gentile againfl: the Jew. And I fhall withall, by the way, make a Parallel of the one with the other. 1. Of the Jew again(( the Gentile. The O!Jarrel was begun indeed by them; they out of their carnal flefhly boafl:ing of their Privilege to be the only People of God, (as they were) (corned and contemned the poor Gentiles. The I Ilh Verfe inlinuates this, Ye were Gentiles, who were caUed Vntirtllmcijon, by that (Nation, namely) which n called the Cirmmcijio~t in the Flejh. It began in Nick-names, and the Jews were they that began to call Names firfl:, as Interpre– ters have ob[erved. And it began early, almolt from the Time when the Seed of.Abraham received that firft Badge ofDifference. You hear on't in 'jacob's Time: To give om• Siflcr to one that is 1/ncirmmcifed, that were a Reproacbto us, Gen.34.I4• And after, amonglt all the Race of the Jews, both good and bad, in all Ag;es, the fame was ufed as a Reproach: as by Sampfon, Judg. I 5· I8. by 'jonatha11, 1 Sam. I4. 16. by David, chap. I7. 26, 36. by Sa11l, chap. 31. 4They judging it (the but a Circumltance, }'Cl) far worfe than Death it felf, to die by the Hands of the Vncirmmcifed, or have the Daughtet·s of the Vncirmmcifed triutnph, 2 Sam. 1. 20. And in the Prophets, llncimmJcifed and unclean are all one, Ifa. 32. I. When they would accurfe oneto the moftaccurfed Death, (as all Nations, according to what they have efl:eemed the worfl: ofDeaths, they have according– ly exFrelfed fuch like Curfes, as Abi in malam crucem, among the Romans) Let him die (faidthe Jew) theDeatbofthe V11cirromcifed, as Euk., 28. Io. When they imprecated the moO: ignominious Burial, Thott jhalt lie in the midJI of the Vwcircumrifid, Ezek. 31. I8. A Perfon excommunicate, accurfcd, and a Hea– then, was to them all one, Let him be ,u an Heathw, Mat. 18. And they difl:in– guifh them[dves from the Gentiles, by appropriating the Title of Sinners wholly to the Gentiles: We that are 'Jews by Nature,. ~nd not Sinners of the Gentiles, !Jal. 2. I 5. And God forefeeing how apt thetr Spmts were to grow from hence mto an