;n Abhorrency of all other Nations, made a fpecial Law to prevent it, concern– jog (ome_particular Nations: Deut...23. 7· Tho~e fhalt no~. abho~_an .Edomite, for ~e is thy cBrother; thou jhalt not abhor an Egypuan, becaufe thou wert a Stranger in ~~ . .. ·., . . Next fee this Enmity exprelfed in their 'Carriages arid Dealings with .the Gen– tiles: They not only not communicat\' with them in Sacri<, in holy things, but their Zeal was fuch, and this after the Light of Cbri(banlty. appeared to thew that they would have killed Paul, AtJs 2I.; i. for no other Crime brit this, v. 28: This is the Man that hath ·brought Gmk.f (.that js, Heathens) into the Temple, and hath poUuteel the holy Place, Nay, they accounted it '\n abOIJJiJtable thittg, c(6ituTov. (as in I Pet. 4· 3· the word IS rendre~, abominable Id~a(ry, .and . fo the Vulgar here) tO keep COmpany, that IS, fam1harly, yea,. Or l';> much as tO come ( unne– celfarily) to one of another Nauon, foundmg_ al) thiS upon that which was;i peculiar Command, upon a fpec1al Ground, agatnft the Anmtonites and Moabites, Peut. 23. 6. !"hou jhalt not .Jeelz thm "?eace, nor thm 'ProJPerit.Y_, _aU thy d'!J'f, for ever. Thts they extended to all Nauons, and thts to that rtgtdlty, that they would not do ordinary Courtefies of common Humanity : ~n tllonjlrare Via1 eadem 11iji Saci·a coienti~ Says Juvettal, not tell a Mans wq_y to a poor Wanderer, an AGl: 0f Civility : Non ad Fontem deducere, to lead to a Well for Water, which was an AB: of Charity. The Woman of Samaria therefore wonders at Chrift, John ,j..8, 9· How is ii that tho11 being a Jew, itskfft Drink_of me, who am a Woman of Saniaria? for the Jew:r ~A'!e no dealings with the Samarita,;s. Each om of JOlt ( C1ys Chrif'c) will, and that on the Sabbath D!tJ, Iooft his Ox or his Ajfe from the StaU, and lead him aw'!!' to wat~ring, Luke I3. J 5· But tqry would not do thus much for an Heathen, tho .ready ;o perilh for Thirf'c; not!hew him a Well hard by, fays the fame }uvenal, in the faine place, ~.!!Jtu;t ad fontem frllos deducere Verpos ,. Not give a Cup of cold Water, ;vhicb Chrjft makes the_leaft of Courtefies, fave only to their oWn* Verpi, as we fay, Ve1'111in; ~nd circmitcifedOnes. Sd JUvenal "The wotd ti"'~ fcoffs them; Et hoc Judaicnm ]m, This ij the Jewi(h Law.. . "'"" bo<h o And no wonder of all this, for indeed they accounted all the Heathen, aJ ;f""" {.~ Beafts made to be defiroyed, upon the Miftake of their Commiffion concerning ""'m"' thofefevenNations, D<llt. 7· IL given up by God the!Judg of the World (in whofe Sovereignty it was) into their hands. Even Cbrift, (peaking in tha common Language of the Jews, calls the Syrophenician Woman, and all the Gentiles, Dogs, Mat. I 5· 2 5, 26. as the Turks call Chriflians at this day. .Yea, out of their own Records, (ome pf the Rabbinical Interpreters, upon Dmt. 2 r. I r. they have delivered, That they accounted thein Feris deteriores, worle than Beaf!s, & nuptitM eor11m innuptas, their Marriages no Marriage•; and therefore, nee Homicidilmt, nee Adulterilmt, in eos committi pqjfe\: That it was no Adultery to abufe their Wives, no Murrher to kill any of them; rio Robbery to take from ' them, by never (o much violet;Jce. Which Jofeph!H Albo juf'cifies, in his Difpu- Hiff"""' tation advetfw .Chrijliancs, giving this realon, That he that lived without their · Law, aud wor!hipped f.1lfe Gods, he was a common Enemy, & in_etmi iUicilmit nihil, and nothing can be unlawful, that is done againft him by them.- · · Can Malice be fuppofed to rife any higher? and yet In that N~tion it did againfi thefe poor.Gentiles. I Theff. 2. I6, I7. Contrary they_are to aU Men, and it follows, Forbidding 111 to preach to the Gentiles, that they ntighl be faved. The Apoftle (peaking it by 'j'ay of aggravation oftheir Malice, feems to intend it not' only conftquenter, that they denied them the Gofpel, without which they could not be faved; but further, intentionaliter, what was in _tlieir Intentions, that fup: p.ofe they had thougl)t the Gofpel a means of Salvation, th~y would.have forpad; it to be preached to them, that they might not be faved. lsthere not work for a Peace-maker now? This on the Jews part. '. And