Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

v1. S E R M 0 N on Here is manifefily a double making of thefe twain one: the one expreffed in time pafl: ; the other as to come, and to be perfetl:ed. Firfl:, o"""'""""' who hath mdc both one, v.14. and, /o.J~ms, having abolifh'd, v.15. in his own Flelh,perfo– nally. Secondly, "'" "'rf••, That he might make both one. The firfl: antecedent and already done; the other confequent, and to be accornplilhed; the latte~ difl:ingnifhed from the former, as the Confequent or Ef!etl: from its Caufe: He 'hath made both 011e, that he might create both into one new Man; the Influence and Virtue of the firfl: bringing about the latter. And, . Secondly; Accordingly in the Original, thefe two are further difiinguilhed by words of a dtfferent tmport, ( tho our TranOatton bath taken no notice of it but bath folded them upeach?nderoneand the fame :-vord [mal<jngo11e] fo making them onemdeed) the firfi, """'"""'' ??Ja/qng one, v. 14. 11 o~amore largefignification, and ts appltcable and cxtendtble to exprefs (as herealfo ts mtended) a virtual, influ– ential making us one in his own Perfon, before we are made one in our !elves. The latter, "';,,, (more refl:riaive ) properly and fl:ritl:ly fignifies Creation, [creating both one J or makmg both one by a new Creation: And therefore [in ·one 11ero Man J ts added, as the produtl: of thts fecond kmd of making. And this imports a phyfical efficiency, a11d working upon us, a moulding and forming us, by Creation, into this Onenefs among our !elves, altho the Mould in which this btter is wrought and ea([, is his Perfon alfo, [in bimfe!JJ; yet not in him– felf, confidered perfonally and alone, but as uniting us to himfelf, and fo working upon us concretely, through, in, and by himfelf. And therefore, Thirdly; They differ, the fir([ being performed in himfelf fingly, perfonally 'when he was in this World, and cfpecially on the Crofi, and is therefore ex: preG'd as paft, Ht;tb made boLh o11e, as a Bufinefs done and perfetl:ed already, as much ( in refpetl: of fuch a way making one) as ever it !hall be ; the other to be effetl:ed afterwards in us, in our feveral Ages; and by degrees, as the new Crea– ture is : That he mig}t create of two, one new Man. To illu([ratethe Difference of thefe two ma!,i11gs one, but in one parallel In– fiance, ( altho the like Duplicate is found, and Difiintl:ion holds in all kind of Works done in us, and for us, by Chrifl:) becaufe it is the next akin to this: The Parallel is, that of Reconciliation, or making peace between God and the Saints. Thefe two \,Yorks, as they are the neare([ Twins of all other done for us by Chri([, fo are they herein exatl:ly parallel and alike. Now unto the ac– complifhment ofour Reconciliation with God, a double Reconciliation is necef.. fary: The one wrought our of us, in Chri(['s p~rfon for us, God was ill Chrift, reconciling the World; the other in us, We befeecb yo11 to be rUonciled unto God, I Cor. 5· 19, 20. The like holds in this our Reconciliation mutual. Or to let the likenefs of thcfe Gemelli to your view in another Glafs, (that is, another Scripture) that gives forth the nearnefs of the Refemblance of this fort of Re– conciliation, in parallel words rlnd'lines to thofe in the Text, it is Col. 1. 20. He f.1ys firfi, G/;rifl having made 'Peace by the Blood of his Croft, to reconcile all Id himfelf: This is a Work already done, and done for all at once, ~eritoriou!ly, and reprcfenratively,as there it follows, [In the Body ofhis;Fiejb thro11gE Death,v.22.] After which he [peaks of another Reconciliation of us, wrought in us, towards God too, in thefe words, And you that were Enemies hath he now reconciled. This latter therefore, wrought fince and after·the former, was perfetl:ed as the effect ofit. The very r.,me, or like here, you h'ave e'Xpr!!ffed ofthat Reconciliation, or making one of the Saints mutually, which we have in hand: Firfi, He bath madebotbone, v. 14. i1zhisFiejb, v.15, inoneBodjby the Croft, v.I6. Thus ineritoriou!ly and reprefcntatively. Secondly, •· Tbai he might create of twain one new Man; fo efficiently: Both mufl: go ·in their fevcral Scafons :t!Jd Succeffions to the effctl:ing thereof, or there would not be peace. . I have given you the Grounds for thefe general Heads out ofthe Text : I come to fuch particular Branches of each, as into which: the Tdt alfo fpreads it felf, and is a Root unto them.