Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

'Iioo 'Branches rif w1Jat [hrifl did in 1Jis ow11 Perfou on the (rofs, to re– " conci/e the s~ints: I. 'By way of Sacrifice, an4 taking Oil him their Enmities. ~. Of !J\!prefentatioil [in one Body J in bimfeif. T. Hat which is proper (as was (aid ) to this Parr, is, What bath been done in Chrill:'s ow'n perfon? The Particulars hereof are two, which I find in the Text, (to the Materials of which I confine my felf, and !hall take them in that Order wherein they lie. ) i. By way of Sacrifice, having taken on,him before God the Enmities of both againfl: each other, and fo offermg up hts Flefh as a Sacrifice for borh. 2. By a voluntary aCfuming and gathering the Pe{(ons. of all the Elefr into one Body in himfelf, he reprefenting and Cufl:aining their Perfons, and (o [in one Body J reconciling them unto God. Both are exprelly and difl:infrly mentioned: 'f.he firfl: in thefe words, Having abolifoe<f the Enmity (namely, between them) in his F'lefb; which Flefh, taking on him their.Enmities, was made a Sacrifice on the Crofs,; and therefore, in the I6th verfe, By the Crofs, is added. The fecond in .thefe words, That he might re~ontile both to God in one 'BodJ· And tho both thefe were performed at once, and by one individual ACl:; yet that Afr is to be look'd at, as having thefe two difl:infr Conliderations concurring in it ; and the firfl:, in Order of Nature, making way for the fecond; as in opening the Connefrion of the I 5th and 16th Verfes I have al– ready !hewn: I mufl: handle them therefore each apart. How Chrifl:'s offering up him(elf as a Sacrifice to God, and his fl:anding as a common Perfon in our fl:ead before God, fhould abolilli all our Enmi– ties againfl: God himfelf, and reconcile us unto him? This is ordinarily and generayy apprehended, and were proper to (peak of, if our Reconciliation to God himfelf had been the Theme let out to be treated of But how thefe yery Came Afrs and Tran(afrions of Chrifl: lliould, toget.het therewith, conduce to our Reconciliation one with another? Tliis only is genuine, at this time, and to be eyed, as the direll and proper Level of what doth enfue, altho even this is fo involved with that other, that this cannot be explicated, with– out fuppofing and glancing thereat: This but to fet and keep the Readers Eye fieady to the fingle Mark aimed at. 1be