Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

Laflly, (for a winding up of this) the Parallel which the Apoflle obfcrveth in his Difcourfe, between his effell:ing our Peace and Reconciliation with God, and this our Peace and Reconcilia9\'ln one with another, will induce to it. He being firft alike in common terme<il ;,_,!Peace, v. 14. in refpell: to either: Then to demonftrate encb apart, a double Eh~lity (as I obferved at firrt) is difrinil:ly and apart mentioned•by him ; the one, v. 15. the other, v. 16. Of the one be fays, he bath abolifbed; of the other, he bath j/ain it: of the one he fays, he bath abolifhed it in his Flefb; of the other, in himftlf, (as the Greek bath it, v.I6.) And fo thole words, by the Croji, are common to each, as thole firft words, He ir our Peace, were to all that followed. And (o as the Parallel bath hitherto run along in thefe Particulars, fo it holds on, that look how in this, or by that way he flew the Enmity between God and us, on the Crofs, by the fi1me way he abo– lifhed the Enmity between the Jew and Gentile, or the People of God mutually. But he flew the Enmity between God and us on the Crofs, by taking thefe our Enmities againft God on himfelf, and they'being found on him, he was flain and facrificed for them on the Crofs, and thereby flew them, and reconciled us to God: In like manner then it is to be underrtood, that he firft took all our Enmi– ties againft one another on his Flefh, [in hiJ Flejb J C1ys the Text, (and it was the general intent of Sacrifices, to be offered up for what was laid upon them, or reckoned to them) and fo our Enmities being there all found in his Flefh, that Flelh was offered up for them; and [o they were all dilTolved, and abolii11ed, and made weak, as the Text fpeaks of them, in his being dilTolved, or made weak, (as 2 Cor. 13. and Phi/. 3· fpeak in like manner of him.) So then as there was a double Enmity, and a double Slaying, which the Apofile mentions; [@there muft be in this one Sacrifice a double Confideration, in the intention thereof: It is a Sacrifice ferving at once to flay and abohfir both the one and the other, he being in common alike and indifferently termed, our.Pea,·e, a• in relation unto either; there being nothing al[o done for us by Chrift, but the like was firft done on hirofel£ The fecond t/,ing to explicate t/,e firft 'Branch : Tbat one E>td or Ufe of Sacrifices, both amo>~ Jews and Gentiles, tvM to ratify Peace betwm 1 .!Man and .!Man, M truly M between t]od a11d Man; ami that ("riffs Sacrifice bolds till A>talogy l>erei>l to other Sacrifices. ,.,His being cleared, I come to the fecond, the lilo71, namely, to dcmonfhate J. how, according to the Analogy of the Ends and Ufe of Sacrificing of old in the Shadow, Chrift's Sacrifice was likcwife intended and direll:ed tO make Peace between Man and Man, Jew and Gentile, as truly and as genuinely as be– tween God and Mar1. For the illuftration of this, we mull: know and confider, that of old Feuds or Enmities between Man and Man were removed and put to an end by Sacrifice; and alfo Leagues of Amity and Friendlliip, even between Man and Man, were anciently ratified and confirmed, and Reconciliation ertablifhed by Sacrifices : And as by Sacrifices, fo likewife after Sacrifices, or over and bcfides Sacrifices, by eating and feafling together; and this both among Jews and Gentiles, (of which latter, namely, That by eating together Friendi11ip was fealed, we fhall have further ufe anon, to confirm and explicate this very Notion in hand.) I , fay, Leagues ofPeace and Friendfhip were ufed to be ratified by Sacrifices folemnly . before God : [o to inake fuch C0venants a matter of Religion, (to bind the -~~;:;~,;;;:• ftronglier) and not to be meerly the Obligations of humane Faith and Honefty; '"' fed"·' even by thi~, that Men did find them ratified in th~ l.'r&nce o~ a Deity,. which~::;;;;: ·;:~,~~ they worllitpped as thetr God, by fo folemn and rehgtous an All:10n, whtch d1d ficii< init• f•– withall invocat~ from G~d, a Curfe upon the Infringers ofthat Peace and Friend- 'f:/([i;;::~~· !hip made therepy•. Thts to have ~en their Ufe, I am to clear.. . , , 1 , · c... l'· E•- We may .;:onfider, that thq all S~crifices were o1fered up before and unto God, '"''·tH· yet not all only by way of Expmtioil or Ato"nemeot mide unto God, qt as Ex– preffions