Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

·preiTio!ls of _Than~fulnefs ~nto \lim ; but Come were Sacrifices of Pacificatio~, pnd federal m their Intention, between Man and Man, being offered up before God, as a Witnefs and Avenger... This to have been one Ufe of Sacrifices, is ev1dent both among Tews, and hkew1fe Gentiles, (who were in their Sacrifices and the Rites thereof, Imitators of the Jews.) , ' Firll:; The Jews. Jer. ?4· fromv. 8, &c. we read, That Zedehjah the King made a folemn Covenant w1th the People, and they with their Servants to let them go free, according to God's Law on that behalf made, Exod. ;I. I. ·and De11t. I 5· t2. And th1s Sacnfic1al Covenant was folemnly performed in God's Houle~ and before God, as v. 15, and r8. the Rites of it were, They C11t aC, 1 1f "in twam, and pajfed between the parts of the Calf, even the 'Prince;, and aU the People, v. 19. in token that it was one common Sacrifice between all thole Parties Mall:ers and Servants, and the joint Act of each : which being thus foletnn be~ fore God, carried with it an implicit or taci.t Execration, That if either brak~ ·thi• Covenant in this manner confirmed, then let God fo deal with them, as this Calf facrificed was dealt withal!. And therefore thefe having broken this Covenant, v. 11. (which Breach of Faith .was the occafion of this part of Jer.mfs Meffage ~o them) God threatens to bnng the Curfe, mvocated, and fignified by that Rtte, upon them, and to retahate the !tke unto them : v. 18. I wiUgive the Men that h<lve trarifi.reffed my Covenar1t; ( fo he calls it, becaufe the Matter of it was his Command, and it had been ratified before him, as it follows ) which have , 0 t perfornJed the Words of the Covenar1t which they had made before me, whm they cut the Calf in t1vair1, a_nd pajfed betr;t;"' the parts thereof: That therefore [IwiOgive, J it 1s Verb11m Jinnlrtudmu, (as us often ufed ) whofe meanmg 1s, I will make theni as that Calf, I will anfwerably deal with them, and fo it is explained: I nil/ give them into the har1d1 of them that feel{ thCTr Life, and expofe them to the Sword of the Slayer, to flay at his Pleafure, as you have done this Beall:, which you have faqificed: And their dead Bodies jba/1 be for Meat to the Fowls of Heavm. The like Intendment of Sacrifices, with the fame Rite, and like Impreeation • c,pnt,mdi- to confirm Leagues and Covenants,. and end Feuds, was in ufe among the Hea– um, ~ ~tioe then, as might be evidenced by many Qyotations, which I have met withall. f;:~~oa~:'i" To inll:ance in one out of Livy, which is moll: punctual to the thing in hand, and ad : .• ·''" •ix ; parallel to the former out of Jeremy: *They CHt-a Beafl i>1 two; the midJI, a>1d the K:~:;'d;:•;;{~ Head, with the Bowels, were placed at the right hand ofthe Way, and the hir1der Parts holliam honion the left hami, .md both the Armies (that made the League) pajfed between thw ~~~r~r't~J~~ divided Sacrifce. And as the fame Rites with the former are expreffe'd in this ; """"'· L». (o the fame Imprecation is recorded at the making of this Covenant, and by Sa1''· 3i· crifice confirmed, recorded by the fame Author, when thefe two Nations, Albar1J and 7(omar1s, made this League: !J0i prior deftcerit, tu ill11m Jupiterflc ferito, ut ef!.o hunc porcum hodie ftriam : Let God jlriA! hi>Jt that break.! it, as I jlriA! thi1 The La- Swine, faid the Sacrificer. tin, Ft:ld1ult f"ien®, and Et c,ua jur1gebant ftedera porca. ./Eneid. Virgil. lib. 8. hence ptrcu~ ~ /m elicere k · "k ~L. p 1 r h d C t~i"', to .The Holy-Gholl: fpea s mh e Language, ""/ eop e trJat ave ma e a ovenant llrike a Cop w1th me by Sacrifice. venantwith us: Thus Santlio a [anguine, which that of '1acitHI confirms, Sacripciir con[piratio [ancitur : Agree– ments aod Combinations had their SanCtion and Confirmation by Sacrilices ; and Frzdu1 cruort focra– tum, Lib. Annal. 12. To bring all this home to the Point in hand : There being to be a perpetual League and Covenant of Peace, to be fhucken between Jew and Gentile, and all other the Elect of God, who iliould be at variance, in any Age; and Chrift having interpofed himfelf as a Mediator for us to God, he did withall undertake to be an Arbiter between them, (and us all) among our !elves, for all our Dif– ferences alfo. And as he offered up his Fleili as one common Sacrifice upon the Crofs, at once to be expiatory to God, to blot out the Sins and Enmities of ours' againll: God himfelf; fo alfo pacificatory between Man and Man, Jew and Gen– tile, a·nd all other the Eletl: ; and therein anfwering to,- and fulfillmg one true: and