E p HE s. 2. 14, i5; IG• ------------~---- End and Intendment of Sacrifices, as well as in the other of making atonement:td God. And the Text, you fee, having faid firfr, that he is made oor Peace, in making both.one, v. 14. and then pointing us to his Flelli, as in which he bore their Enmities, v. i 5· and then carrying \l.s to ihe CroiS, v. t 6. !t evidently (as was faid) argues, that he was made our Peace, by being thus made a pacificatory Sacrifice for both. And furely, (if there were rtb other teafon to confirm it) all Sacrifices, in all their Ends and Ufes, having been but Shadows of this; and his .Flefh, and the facrificing it, b~ing the Subflance : this eminent Sacrifice of his mufl: needs be fuppofed ( as fuch ) tb have the PerfeCtion, Ufe; and Effi– cacy, that all other Sacrifices could any way be fuppofed fubfervieht unto, or it. had not been the compleat perfeCtion ofthem ; efpecially there being this heed of having hisSacrifice direl.ted to this end, as well as to that dther, there falling out fo great Animofities among thofe that were Members of him ; which, as it call' d for a Sacrifice to be offered up, to allay anc:ldefl:roy rhein; fo Chrifl: in lacrificing Himfelf, would Iiot leave out or lofe this part of his Glory and PerfeCtion in this refpel.t, . · . Hence accordingly, as here he is termed iiur Peace, fo elfewhere, the Covmant of the People, and both in the like latitude of Sence and Meaning. When here he is called our Peace, the meaning extends not only to his being our Peace be– tween God and us, but between our felves al!O; fo when he is called, the Cqve• nAnt of. the "People, it intends, rtot only hi! being a Covenant unto God for us.. bur a Covenant before God of us; or (as there 'tis expreffed) ofthe People of God, name!y, among themfelves. He is twice fo called, andWith much evidence as to this Sence : Ifa. 42. 6. I iriU give thee for a Covenant of the People, (that is, lays SanmtH, to the Jew) and for .aLight of the Gentiles ; and thus a Cove· nant of both. And chap. 49· 8. For a Covenant of the People, to eflahlifh the Earth; that is, to this end, to fettle in Peace the whole Earth, both Jew and Gentile ; fo then a Covenant of the People (as you fee ) even in this very re– fpeCl: : 'Peaceon &rth a!llong Men, as well as, Good WiU towards Men, from God in Heaven, being the foot of that Song that was fung at his Birth; and the Sum of' What is here laid : He is our Peace. The Analogy between tbe 'RJterof fucb padftc•torj Sacrifices; itntl tbil Sacrifice of Chrifl's, M offered up for our mutual Enmities : .Jnd bow tbu End and Intentwn of Chrifl's Sacrifice is brld forth in the Lord's Supper. N . Ow ob!erve further, a Cori-efponclericy unto ihofe Rites mentioned, that were ufed in.c:hofe SacrificeS of Peace, alfo held forth in this Sacrifice of his. The Beafl: in fuch cafes was divided and cut in twain, for both Panies to pafs through, and fo Peace to be made between the;n: And Chrifr, to make both or twain one, (as here) was divided and cut (a! it were) in twain; the Godhead for a time forfaking the Manhood : &, God, "'J God, whJ haJi tholi forfa/,pz me I His Soul alfo being by Death feparated from his Body, his Joints Ioofened, tp di!folve this Enmity ; the Vail of his Flefh rent, to rend the Par• tition-Wall. Thus he was cut in twain, as one common Sacrifice between both. And again, as the Sacrificing of the Beaft cut afunder, \vas reckoned the corn• moo joint Act of both Parties in fuch a cafe, and they were efl:eemed by God 1 and by one another, each to have an hand in the facrificing of it, and as con– feming to the Covenant and Peace that was intended to be entred into, and rati• fied by it: fo here in this. . And rho we then perfonally exifl:ed not, yet all we beitlg conlidered in him by God, (who gave us to him) and by himfelf, that vo– luntarily fufl:ained our Perfons, and he offering up himfelf as a Sacrifice on out behalf, and for our behoof, and in our Names ; hence his Will in offerin" up himfelf, was Vo/unttH totitH, the All: and Will of the whole Body whofe Pe:fons he fullained ; our Wills were thereby involved in his Will, his Al.t was our All:: and it may be truly laid, that a Covenant of Peace was then made before God, 0 by