Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

~ S.~RMON on by us, a'nd for us ; for he was our Prie!l therein for us, as well as our Sa– crifice. Rod hence, in a fi.uther correfpondency to the maner ofthofe typicalSacrifices t~erein altho the Prieft only offered up ~he Sacrifice for the People, and in thei; Name and Stead; yet to !hew 1t ':"as thetr Act, they ufed to eat of it after, or of tllat wb1ch was offered up w1th 1t. The Interpretation of which eating thereof by the People, theApofl:le gives us to be this: I Cor. 10. 18. They that did eat of the S"criji't·es, were Partai<§rs of the Altar; that is, thereby they declared the ~acrifice to be t.lieirs,. the offering_ it up to be their ~11, that they partook, and ha~ an hand 111 lt, as 1f they had oecn at the Altar with the Priefl: himfel£ Jufl: m l1ke manner, to fl1ew tha~ we were reckoned confentmg to and Partakers in this Sacvifice of Cbrifl: our Prief'c,. and that it was our own 'Act, we do in like manner partake of tbat Sacrifice_by eating of i~; the Lord's Supper being, as TertJIUtan nghrly termed It, P<r11C1patw Sacrifim, which Notion the Apofl:Ie there confirms in a Par_allel of the Lord'~ Supper, in this very refpel}, to the cafe of thofe Sacnficesthen, (ji:rr unto thiS purpofe It was, that he brings in thut Inf'cance of tbe Sacnfices, v: li5.) The Bread w/Jtcb we break,_, fays he, is it not the Comm 11mon of the BodJ of Chnfl? Namely, confidered, as facnficed once upon the .t-ltar of the Crofs, and fo by eating thereof, we are all Partakers of that one Bread, as the thing_ fignifying, and o~that on~Body facrificed, as.the thing figni- . lied; andfo by thiS ~vay of partakmg _th:rem, namely, br eatmg thereof, is •EocnJocon- !hewn,, as m the Sacnfices of old, that 1t JS our own Sacnfice. And this not f~~~~itc~~ 1i~~r:~~s onLy as*Ejlius ?fon the plac;c,..who C1ys, That by eating they were accmmted Parta• qu:tm pro ipGs k._er.s of the SacrifiCe, M that wh1ch was offered for them ; but further, as t Grotius: obbt;fi"'P"· ( fpeaking of the Lord's,Supper, upon Mat. 26. 25.) They are in Chrifl's Intent' ~~j;~~· £t7. Ctys he! througiJ their oatiug thereof, fo Partakers of thiJ his Sacrifice, quafi ipfi hoc' '"~ ~"Je;~;:_ obtuliGent, a' if themfelves hnd offered it •;P·. , A~d thus.oo ~old forth this l!revious d'"'" ,.,.,;,;_ conf"ot of, was one part ef Chrifi s mtent m mf'cltuttng Eattng and ~~~~~fi~;i e;~i~- Drin)ting in,the Lord's. SuFper, in a~orrefpoodency to ~he_like myft:erious In– ,<, q,,i; \,.r. tent m the Peoples eattng of the Sacnfices of old. Grotms mdeed puts therea– h?'f"dfiricm fon, why tt ISIO be ef'ceemed as If we had offered up that Sacnfice, only upon ~~\:1~~\;~:,m this,Berm{c it was t!Jfired 11p bJhim (fays he) that had. tai<§n their Nature: But I add "''" qu; n•- out of thisText, Becaufe he had took on htm theu Pcrfons, in one Body, and ~"['m <omm their Enmities, and (\ood in their f'cead, as theit Prief'c, as well as their Sacrifice ; ""P"''· and fo it was to be ceckoned rheir AI} on his Cro!i, as much as the Peoples then, who u!ed to bring the Sacrifice to the Prie£1:, who there offered it alone upon the Altar ; whereas hore we our felves were brought to Chrift by the Father to un– dertake to be a Prief'c for us, and he voluntarily undertook our Perfons. And fo as Levi is accounted to have offered Tithes in Abrahant his Father, when he paid them to Melrhifedech; fo we much rather to have offered up a common Sa– crifioo of Peace arnong£1: our felves, when Chri£1: offered up himfel£ And hence alfo likewife, as in thofe pacificatory federal Sacrifices between two Parties of Men, whoever of them went about to violate or infringe the Tc,rms of Peace that Sacrifice was intended to confirm, did (by reafon it was his Ml:) bring upon himfelf the Curfe, which ceremonially and vi!ibly was in– fli/}ed on the Beaft or Sa,crifice Gain : fo here this AI} offacrificing of Chri£1: for mutual Peace, being thus interpretative ours, and our Confent involved, hence I f.1y, in liKe manner, whoever goeth about to break this Covenant, and feeketh to uphold the Enmity among the People of God, he doth not only renounce his own AI}, but what in him lies, fruftrates that Intention of it, and fo further incurs the Imprecation infolded in it, and brin~s. upon hi~fel~ the Blood of the Covenant, as in allufion to this Curfe, ( accordmg to the tmphed Intent of fuch a facrificial Covenant) the Apof'cle [peaks, Heb. 10. Now further to finin1 this Branch, let this be added: That Chrift was not limply offered up as a Sacrifice to confirm a meer or bare Leagl)e of Peace and Amity b<;tween us, ( fometimes fuch Sacrifices before fpoken of, wer~ defigned only,to make and bind new Leagues and Covenants between fuch Parties as never had been at variance) but here in this Cafe of ours, as there was a Covenant of Amity to be !'cruel<, [o there were Enmities to be aboli!hed and Gain, as the Text - . • ~h