h"th it, and that by this Sacrifice, and Oaying ofhis Flefh; which cannot becon· ceived otherwife to have been tranfaCl:ed, but that, as in other Sacrifices offered up, the Trefpa!fes were laid upon the Head of the Sacrifice, and fo in a fignifi– cant Myftery Oain and done away in the death of the thing facrificed : And that as in that other way of .reconciling us to God, The Lord did lay 11pon him the Ini– quities of 11< all, namely, againfl: himfelf, as Efay fpeaks in allufion unto the Rites, (and the Signification thereof in thofe Scacrifices ) to which this Text fimularly fpeaks, when it !ays, He flew the E11mity ill himfelf, v. 16. So anfwerably it was in this, (which is its :Parallel) all the Enmities, and mutual Injuries and Feuds, between us the People of God, were all laid upon him, and he took them in his Flcfh, and in Oaying thereof Oew tbefe alfo, and abolifhed them, that fo he might reconcile them in one Body. And fo the fame Nails that pierced through his Hands and Feet, did nail all our Enmitie•, and the Caufes and Occafions of them, to the fame Crols, as Col. 2. infinuates. So as we are to look upon Jefus Chrifl: hanging upon the Crofs, as an equal Arbiter between both Parties, that · takes upon himftlf whatever either Party hath again!'c the other. Lo, here l hang, ( (ays Chrifl: dying) and let the Reproaches wherewith you reproach each other, £111 on me; the Sting of them all fix it felf in my Flefh, and in my death die all together with me ; lo I die to pacify both: Have therefore any of you ought ngainfl: each other? quit them, and take me as a Sacrifice in Blood be– tween you : only do not kill me, and each other too, for the C.1me Offence; for you, and your Enmities, have brought me to this Altar of the Crofs, and I offer my fi:lf as your Peace, .and as your Prie£1:; will you kill me firft, and then one -another too? And thus if takih!( all your Sins again£1: God himfelf upon his Flefh, and facri– ficing it for you, isof prevalency to kill and flay that Enmity, much more is it of force to k;!l thcfe your Enmities alfo. Thns like as by affuming the Lihgnefs of ftnfitl Flejh, he kjUcd the Sin in our Flejh; fo by taking thefe our Enmities and Rom. 8. Animofities in his Flefh, he Oew and abolifhed them; and as hi's Death was the Death of Death, fo of thefe. And like as he cured Difeafes, by taking them"on 1 Cor. IS' himfelf by Sympathy, 'tis faid of him (when his healing of them is recorded) ' Flimfelf took.. 011r lnji'rmities, and bore our Sic4.,nejfes. And as not our Sins again!'c God only, but our Sickneffes by Sympathy; fo not our Enmities again!'c God only, but our Animofities one againfl: another; and by bearing them, aboli!l]ed them ; by dying as an Arbiter between us, Oew them: And therefore in the Text, he is called our Peace, not our Peace-maker only, (when thisPeace among our fdves is fpoken of) to note out, as MufC11111! obferves, that he was not only efficiently our Peace-maker, the Author of our Peace, but our Peace materially, the Mattet of our Peace, by the Sacrifice of himfel£ God is !'ciled our Peace• make•·, om Reconciler, God wa< in ChriJI, reconciling the World; but not, our Peace : This is proper to Chri!'c, and why? but becaufe he only was the Sacrifice of our Peace, and- bore our Enmities; even as he is not only called the Re· deemcr, ( fo God alfo is ) but Redemption it fel£ Now for a Coronis to thisfirfr Branch, and withall to add a further Confirmati– on yet, that Chrifr's Death was intended as a Sacrifice to thefe ends, for Amity and Unity among God's People, we may clearly view and behold this Truth in the Mirrour of the Lord's Supper ; one mo!'c genuine and primary Import where– of, and End of the Infritution of it, being this very thing in hand, (I !hall have recourfe thereto again in the next Braill:h alfo, upon the fame account that now.) The Lord's Supper, in its full and proper fcope, is, as you know, a folemn Commemoration of Chrifr's Death offered up upon the Crols; or if you will, in the Apoflle's own words, it is a ]hewing forth hi.< Death tiU he comes: And do this ( fays Chrifl:) in remembrance ofme, namely, in dying for you ; and fo withall to commemorate with application to themfelves, \he principal Ends and Intendments ofthat his Death, which is therein acted as before their Eyes. Hence therefore l take this an undoubted Maxi111, which no knowing Chri!'cian will deny, (and it is the Foundation ofwhat lam now a building) : That looi{, what principal Ends, 'Purpofes, or lntendments,.this St~pper, or Sacrificial Feafl hold1 forth in its lnjlitution D 2 unte