A Digrej]ion, ]hewing, 1. That Batil!g and :Drinking togetb~r, efpec;.; ally upo11 and after a pacificatory Sacrifice wM a further Conjirmatio11 of Mutual Peace, batb amo1!g Jews and Gentiles : .And, 1.. Tbat tl>e Eating t/Je Lord's Supper, bot/J the fame Iutent and Accord thereunto~ The Harmony of all thefe Notions together. NOw therefore to draw all thefe Lines into one Center, and to make the Harmony and Confent of all thefe Notions the more full, and together therewith, to render the Harmony more compleat between the Lord's Death, and its being intended·~ a Sacrifice to procure this Peace, and the Lord's Supper as a Feall after this Sacnfice, holdmg forth thts very thmg as purchafed thereby, and [o further to confirm all this. Look as before I !hewed, (as in relation to the demonllration, that Chrill's Death was intended as a Sacrifice for fuch ·• Peace) that that was one End and Ufe of Sacrifices, both among Jews •and Gentiles, to found and create Leagues of Amity between Man and Man: So it is properand requilite for me now to make another like Digreffion, (as in relation to this No– tion of the Lord's Supper) to fi1ew, how that all<;> by eating and feafling toge– ther, ( efpecially after or upon fnch a kmd of Sacnfice) thefe Leagues of Love were ancient!y ufed to be further confirmed and ratified : that fo it may appear, That as according to the Analogy of fuch Sacrifices, Chrill's Death was a Sacri– fice directed and in:ended to that end; Co alfo, that according to the Analogy of fuch Feafling in and upon Sacrifices, thisEating an? Fealling together npon the Symbols of that Sacnfice, by Behevers, IS as genumely Intended a Seal of this Reconciliation amongll them, and that in a due correfpondency and anfwerable– nefs to the genuine Intent of that Sacrifice it felf, as that which had purchafed and procured it. I might be as large in this as in the former. When after a Grudg and Enmity pall between Laban and Jacob, Laban, to bury all things between them, would enter into a Covenant of Peace : Come, ( fays he, Gen. 3 I. 44· ) let w 1na~ a Covenant, I a11d tho11, and (that by a Sign, for he adds) let it be a Witnefs be– tween thee and me: Now what was that Sign and Witoefs? In v. 46. 'tis faid, They took Stones, and made a Heap, and did eat there; and, v. 54· (after an Ooth poffed, v. 53.) Jacobojftred a Sacrifice on the Mount, and called hi< Brethren ( or Kinfmcn ) to eat Bread; and early in the morning Laban departed. The like did lfoac with Alnmelech, Gen. 26. 28. David with .Abner, 2Sam. 3· 20. I fingle forth chiefly thole two, I. Becaufe the Parties that ufcd and agreed in this ligna! Rite, were the one Jews, as lfoac and Jacob ; the other Gentiles, as Abi· melech and Laban: to fi1ew at once, that this way of Covenanting was common to them both, as the former by facrificing w~s alfo !hewn to be. 21 And further, that this Rite of eating together the Gentiles themfelves did ufe, Some In– elpccially after fudi Sacrifices as were federal, unto this iment, that by that fuper- fiances have added cuflom of eating together, upon or after Sacrificing, they might the more been col– ratify and confirm fuch Covenants, firil: made, and begun by facrificing. This leered by feems to be the Imendment, Exod. 34· I 5· Left thOJt ma~ • Covenant (God fpeaks ~r. Meade, it to the Jew) with the Inhabitants of the Land, and thmt go a whoring after their tatr, ;.["(' Gods, and do Sacrifice tmlo their Gods, and one call thee, and thott eat of their Sa- ~:~~as :lfo crifces; namely, upon pretence of confirming that Covenant, which having by.R.C.afrer , him,GrDtiJy, RivetiM, of the Culloms of feveral Nations, ancient and modern, to !hewEating and Drinking together to have been intended Tefiimonies and Rarificarions of Amity. I fhall only call in one from the Cutlom of rhe Eaft-lndian.r, (·as in the Stories of whom there are follnd 1 as well as in other Eallern Nations to this day, many Foorficps of like Cullorns to the Jews of old.) Sir 1ho. B.oe, Arnbaffador there in his Jo.urnal.Obfervations r.eiates, how he was invite? by one of the great Ones .of the Court to a Ban43uer, Wlth t_hts very exprefiton, ( fimular to thofe which thofe Authors allege, as m ufe among other Nations) We ,u <at Bread and Salt together, to Jial a Friend]hip wbicb 1defire. rurchas Pilgr. I part, P• 348. full