or a lV!an, lieing a more noble Creature, the more obliging they accounted ( as , was obferved) the Bands of that Covenant made thereby. Now our Pa!Teover io flain, our Peace i~ facrificed, not Man, but Chrifr God-Man; he fanlbfying, by the fulnefs of God dwelling perfoaally in him1 the Sacrifice of that his Flelb, and humane Nature, to an Infinity of value and worth. He hath become a Sacrifice of our mutual Peace, was cut in twain : a·nd to compleat tliis Union among our felves, he hath in a fl:upendious way appointed his own Body and Blood robe received and !bared as a Feafl: amongfl: us, fucceeding that Sac~ifice once offered up : The Bread we brea/z, ;, it not the Com– mlltlion.of the Body of Chriji? The C11p, the Commtmion ofhi1 'Blood? ( Co fpeaks , en-. "'· l'aul, a moll: faithful Interpreter ofthefe Mylleries) anda Communion of many, as one Eody? (as it follows there.) 'Ti• fl:range that an Heathen, fpeaking of one ,,;p;,, Jovi; of their facred li'eafl:s 1 mtended to confirm an Agreement between two great 'P"lo, '"m P.hfonages, fhould ufe t~e fame Expreffion: Com~mnicdnmt Concordiam, They ~~dr~!;:~~~ are faid to have commumcated Concord ; and thts becaufe they communicated m"nimi<. togetller in the fame Feall: dedicated-to their chiefGod, and which was ordained rb""· Max; to tell:ify.Concord between·them. The Apolllecallsitinlikemanner, aConumt- '·•· ''·'' nion, whereby; many are macle one Bread, in that they 'eat of that one Bread, which w.hiHl they eat and drink in, they eat and drink the higheft Charity and Agreement, each with arid unto other. But.that this Sort of Peace and Love, namely, mutual among the Receivers, was an,avowed Intendment of our partaking of the lord's Supper, needs not to be infill:ed on ; this Import of it bath took the deepell: Impreffion upon the moll: vulgar Apprehenfions.of all that- profefs Chrill:ianity, of any other, To be mCliarity with their Neighbour,,&c. hath remained inall Ages ofthe Church;upon .the Spirits of the moll: ignorant and fuperfl:itious, when thofe other higher Ends and'Intendrnents of it were forgotten. My Inference therefore is fl:rong and fure: That what was thtn eminent an lntentiO!t of this Feaft upon a Sacrifce, nmf1need! he, upon aU.the.former Acconnt1, "' eminent an Intention of that Sacrifice. it. felf, as foch. Ohly let me add this : That tho all the People of God will not, Come of them not at all, many not together, eat of this Feafl:, through difference of Judg– ment, (and it is fl:range, that this which is the Sacrament of Concord, iliould. have in the Controverfies about it, more Differences, and thofe more dividing tlian any other part of Divine Truth or Worlbip) yet fl:ill however this fl:ands good to be the native original End.and Inll:itution of the Ordinance it felf, and fo by infi:rence,. this to. have been the Intent• of Chrill:'s Death, as a Sacrifice to the fame end;. of which Death, to be fure, they all mull: partake, and unto which Chrill: they mull: have recourfe, even all and every Perfon, that are, or Ihall be the 'People of God.: And by fo doing, they find themfelves, upon all thefe accounts forementioned, engaged and obliged unto Peace and~oncord with all the Saints in the World, how differing foever in Judgment, in Him who is oHr 'Peace, and by that Sacrifice bath made both one. And thus much fol' this Branch, which treats of what Cbrill: bath done in his own Perfon.to pr<X:lli'C thisPeace.