Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

cv{ S E R M 0 N on The fecolld 13rmzch, What (hrifl did by 1vay of CR.!prefmtation; of our Perfons : That Pbrafe [ in one Body J explained. · · ~rHe·fecond Branch of this firll: Head is, What Chrii1 did by !llaj of Reprefen- .l tatzo" of o11r 'Perfims, aizd bow tbat conduceth to thil m11tual Reconciliation of the Saints among themfelves? This we have in that fmall Additional which is found, v. 16. That he might reconcile both unto God [ill one Body J b7 the Crofl having jlain t/,~ Enmity. The meaning whereof is this, that he did collell: and gather together in one Body all the People of God, that is, did full:ain their Per– fans, Hood in their ll:ead, as ono common Perfon in whom they were all met, re– prefenrtng them equally and altke unto God, and fo reconciled them to God in one Body. As you heard, he bore their Enmities in his Fle!b, and fo abolifhed them; fo withal he bore their Perfons, confidered as one collefrive Body and under that confideration reconciled them to God. ' And this fupet.1dds t<>;.the Confideration, of being a Sacrifi_ce for their Enmities mutually, for fhat he mtght have been, and have performed 'it for each of their Perfons, confidered fingly and apart; but further, we fee' he was pleafcd to gather them into one Body in Himfel£ · If _you ~sk 1ne, where and when this Reprefentatiorl of all the Saints wa,s by Chrill: more efpecially made? and when it was they were look'd at by God as _one Body ? The Text tells us, On the Croji, by which he thus reconciled us to' GQd in one Body. 1will not now infill: on that, which at firf\, to make my way clear, I was fo large upon: Thot that kind of Reconciliation of us, wrought by Chrill: for us on the Crofs, is here intended; to all which this may be added, That it was that Reconciliation, which at once took in and comprehended all, both Jew and Gentile, in all Ages, into one Body; which was never yet fince oll:ually done, but therefore then was done in Himfel£ That which is now only left for clearing my way, is the opening the Import ofthofe words [in one "Bod7 J which Claufe ' is that 1 take for my foundation of this fecond Paragraph. There is a Qudtion among Interpreters, Whether by this one "Body in the Ten, be meant the Church only, confidered as one myll:ical Body in Chrift? or only the Body and humane Nature of Jefus Chrill: himfelf, hanging upon the Crofs : I wonld, to reconcile both Sences, take in both, as conducing to the Reconciliation of us. 1. Suppofing (which is nece!Thry) Chrill:'s Perfon, his human Nature, or His Flejb, v. 15. to be the Vbi, the Subflrat~tm, the Meeting-place, and Rcndez– vouze ofthis other great Body of the Elefr, where this whole Company appear– ed, and was reprefcnted, fo to be reconciled unto God. For indeed what the Apofiie mentions here apart, and at dill:ance each from other: His Flejb, v. 15. and"Body, v.' 16. thefe elfewhere he brings together, Col. r. 22. Having made Ptdce i11 the "Bod7 of his Flejb, thro11gh Death. 2. Which Body, as hanging upon the Crofs, was cloathed upon (when moft naked). with thisother Body, which he himfelf took on him to full:ain and re– prefenr, and to ftand in their ftead, even the whole Body of his Elefr ; his Body ( perfonally his) becoming by reprefentation one with his other Body, ( myfli– cally his.) In fum, in the Body ofChrill: perfonal, as the Body reprefenting; the whole Body o[ Chrill: myflical, as the Body reprefented, was met in one be– fore God, and unto God. And in that one Body of Chrifl perfonal, were all thefe Perfons ( dltls reprefented ) reconciled unto God together, as in one Body, by virtue of this R.eprefentation• . \ The