J SERMON on may be fulftlled, in~ whom all ViGon~ and Pro'?ifes have their .Amen and Accomplilhment. As m hisDeath, fo m hiS Refurrecbon alfo, they are confidered as one Body with_him, Ifa. 26. 19. Toget~er with my dead Body jha/1 they arift, fa s Chri!t, and both m De~th and Refurreihon, one Body, to the end they may le preG!nted (together) m one ~ody a!l at !aft, Col. I. 22. And in the mean time in the efficacy of thefe foreh.~nd Meeung;, are they to be created i~to one new Man, v. 15. _and that even'"' one mdtvtdual Man, Gal. 3· 11ft. rrot <v, one Bulk, Body, orThmgonly. ThtsonenewMan, whtchthey aretogrowupinto, an– fwereth exactly to that one Body, which was then gathered together, reprefented and met in him on theCrofs,bearing the Image ofit,and wrought by the Virtue ofir. The fecond is, That if fuch a force and efficacy flows from their having met once, as one.Body, the"': much more from this, _(which theText adds) that they were reconct!ed to Godm that one Body. ~hts ~laufe [in om 'Body J was on purpofe inferred together wtth thet; Reconctltauon to God, to !hew, mat tiJey were no orherwtfe e!teemed or look cl at by God as reconctled to him, but as un– der that reprefentation, view, and refpect had of them (as then) by him that fo, du"' fociaret Deo, fociavit inter fe : Their Reconciliation with God w;s not conGdered, nor wrought only apart, Gngly, Man by Man, ( tho Chri!t bore all their Names too) but the Terms were fuch, unlefs all were, and that as in one body and community, together among themfelves, reputed reconciled, the whole Reconciliation, and of no one Perfon, unto God, lhould be accounted valid :with him. So as their very Peace with God .was not only never fevered from put not conGdered, nor effected, nor of force, without the confideration ofthei; being one each with other in Chri!t. Info111uch as !!POll the Law and Tenour of this Original Act thus paft, God mtght accordmg to the true intent thereqf, yea, and would renounce their Reconciliation with himfelf, if not to be fuc: ceeded with this Reconciliation of theirs mutually. And altho this latter dotb in refpeB: of execution •nd accomplilhment, fucceed the other in time, ( th~ Saints do not all prefently agree, and come together as one Body) yet in the origi– nal enafring, and firft founding of Reconciliation by Chrift, thefe were thus on purpofe by God interwoven and indented, the one in the other; and the Terms and Tenure ofe<~ch interchangeably wrought into, and moulded in one and the fa!I)e fundamental Charter and Law ofRe~onciliation mutual, than which nothing could have been made more ftrong and bmdtng, or fure to have effect in due time. Tbe i%conci/iatimJ of tiJe Saints to God confulered, M in one 1Jody; held liketeife forth in the Adminiftration of the Lord's Supper : And one emi· 11ent Fotmdation of the Inftitution of fixed (hur~h:Commuuion, hinted therein. • THe Imprefs and Refemblance of this, namely; .Chrift's reconciling us to God in one Body, we may likewife perceive: (And I !hall mention it the ra· ther, to make the Harmony of this with .all the former ftill more full) in the Adminiftration of the Lord's Supper, in which we may view this Truth alfo, as we have done the other. That Supper being ordained to !hew forth his Death, look as he died, fo it re• prefentsit: As therefore Chri!t was facrificed, reprefenting theiGeneral Affembly ofSaints, and fo in one Body reconciled them to God ; fo this Supper was or· dained, (in the rer.ular Adminiltration of it) to hold forth the Image of this, as near as poffible fuch an Ordinance could be fuppofed to have done it: For hn(werably the Seat, the iJ'ej•"'l"" of it, is a Communion of many Saints met together inone Body, and not otherwife. Thus I Cor.Io.17. For we heing many .re one Bread a11d one Body. He had faid, v. 16. That the Lord's Supper it was the Communion of the 'Body of Chrijl, &c. that is, a Communion of Chrifl's Body, as to each, fo as of a Company united together among themfelves; and accordingly ·the Apof\le fubjoins this as the reafon, For we (whom you fee do ordinarily par· take.of it ) are many (not one or two apart) and thofe many are one 'Bread, and one 'Body: one Bread, as the Sign; one Body, as the thing Ggnified. • .And