A S E R M 0 N on~ &c. for ill eati11g (namely, this Sacramental Suppe~) <verJ one ~·~• before ( othel'!l perhaps do come) his !""tt Supper•, toge~her wtth the Lords, an<f fo maketh it as a private Collatton, or as 18\ov Jla"'-"• Wherefore, "'J 'Brethren, when JD1t come together to eat ( that Supper) tarr1 one for another, to make a full Meeting of the whole Body; and as for other Suppers, every Man is at liberty to take them at pome, as he pleafeth, v. 34· The Apoflle is thus zealous In it, as he had reafon, becaufe hereby is !hewn forth one principal Myftery in Chri!t's Dearh ; for from this, at Jeafi upon occafion o~ this particular, as well as any other, doth the Apofile utter thts great Maxtm, Te jherv forth his Detllh tiU he comes, v. 26. Of fuch moment in their import and fignificancy are things, thus fmall and mean in the Eyes of fome, that yet are full of Myfier1 in Chrifi's intendment. And thus much for the fccond Head. • A