Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

A On E PH E s. 3· 17, Tbat [hrift may dweO in your Hearts hy Faitb~ Some general Premifes touching the whole Prayer; ,THisPrayer ofPaufs for the Epheflans, is according to. the utmo!l · Elevation, or height of his own Experience of what he could pray for. I give fome general Anim'adverfions, as Premifes up– on the whole Prayer firlt, ere I enter upon this particular part ofit. ' r. That all the three Perfonj, and the Difpenfations ofeach of them, are all ofthem mentioned ; though the order ofthem be invenea : for he begins with the Spirit, the lalt Perfon, ThatJe may be jlrengthned with aO Might by the Spirit: that's the firlt Petition. Secondly, that Chrifl (who is the fecond Per– Con in the order inverted) may dwell in 1our Hearts by Faith. Thirdly, That yo11 may be rooted, and grounded in Love: that is, of the Father; to whom Love is efpecially attributed in Scripture. And then ultimately, and lafr ofall, that the God-head, and fo the communication ofall three Perfons, may be manifefred in you, and to you, and upon you: thatyou may be filled (faith he) with aO the ful– nefi of God: that is the firfr, that all the three Perfons are here mentioned. · 2. In the fecond place, That which he prays for, is, what difpenfations ofFa– ther, Son, and Holy Ghojl, have towards us after Converjon. He writes to Saints already, and he doth not pray for their Converfion; or what Operations, or In· fluences the three Perfons have in Converfion : he fuppofeth that: but the things he prays for, are what are after Converjion. As when he Caith,that Chrijl might dwell in their Hearts; He fuppofeth them to have been already in Chrifr. Dwelling is a continuance of In-being. Alfo when he adds, that ye may be rooted, andgroun• ded in Love: ho fuppofeth them to be firfr planted into the Love ofGod. 3· He prays for what in this life is to be obtained: as when he prays that Chrifl may dwell in their Hearts by Faith: now Faith in the other World ceafeth. 4· I add th~s, It is for what is attainable by all Saints, though not attained but by few: He prays indeed that All Saints may comprehend; not only youEphejians,but all Saints : th•tye may compreheud -with all Saints. But alas ! the mofr of Saints complain that they not this; that they perceive not that Chrifr dwells in their He.<rts by Faith; that they are rooted, and gr01mded in Love : but want a fetled Affurance ; which is a being rooted in Love : Nor are they filled with all the ful• nefsofGod. · There are two things I !hall profecute upon this Paffage. I. That Chrijl dwells in 111. II. That He dwells in our H.arts by Faith. I. .An