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E p H E s. 3. ij. 3i Chrill may dwe}l in y,our Heari: by Faith, th~a-t_y_e-;-be-:i-ng-roo- . :-te-d:-,-a-n-;d-g-ro-un--:d~.!d-i-li-~_.;.;; Love: but 'tis in the Love ofGod the Father. But, l. Jefus Chrill dwelleth in us b)( Faith: [o 'tis faid here: and we live iri Chri!l: by F<~ith: Ga\.2.20. I live, yet not 1bnt Chrift liveth in me : and the Lift which I now -live in the Flejh, Ilive by th• Faith ofthe Son ofGod: .But doth notChrilldwell in us by Love too? It is certain that Jefus Chrill dwelleth in us by Love too: for he is our Hufband; and therefore it mull be that he alfo dwelleth in us by LOve; But yet for all that, though he dwell in us by Love as well as the Father, yet our Converfeswith him are more eminently by Faith; he dwelleth in us by Faith: not but that the Father dwelleth in us by Faith too: but Chri!t more properly. And in Ac1sao.2t. it is called Repentance toward1 God, and Faith t0J¥1ard1 onr Lord Jefm CGrift: not but that we repent unto Chrill too, but Faith is the moll eminent thing towards Chri!t in this Life. But . 3· The Spirit is faid to dwell in us alfo: but my Brethren, the Spirit is not faid todwell in us by Faith : which yet is not to be under!tood as if we do notbelieve in him. But that the Soul doth exercife the main of its actingofFaith upon Chrift; asits more fpecially delighted ObjeCt: but the Spirit lies as it were hid in the Heart, and works Faith in us:towards Chrift, and Love in us towards God. I do not fay that we are not at all to exercife Faith, and Love upon the Spirit : there is Faith in the Spirit, [It's faid, in the Creed, I believe in the Holy Ghojl] and Love to the Spirit in a Chriftian : as you find 'J?!m. 1 5· 30. it is faid there for Chrift'S fake, and for the love ofthe.Spirit: So that there is a Love towards the Spirit in a Chriftian ; a Love in us to the Spirit, for the Spirits own Love to us. As alfo be~ caufe it is the Spirit, that fheds abroad tk Love ofGod in our Heart/. The Spirit works in us Love to God, and Faith in Chrift Jefus : but he lies hid, and as it were dormant in our Hearts, and we little perceive how he is in us. I iliall.add anotherQ!!ery for the further explanation of the Text. Q!!ery 3· Doth Chrifl dweD in our Heart/ only by Faith? Ordoth he nototherwife dweD in tn, than by the exercift of onr Faith upon Him I Doth not the Per– fun of Chrifl hin'.ftlf dweD in "'• and not o"ly by our Faith? I anfwer, according to that light I have, (and I humbly Cubniit what I iliall fay ) Chrifl himfelf dweD1 in you immediatly by himfelf: That's my Anfwer, and I oppofe it to thofe that either fay, that he dwells in u~ only. by his Spirit; or to many others, who would lowen that alfo, and fay, That both Chrifl's, and the Spirit's dwelling in us, is but by tbe Graces they work in us; for £\ill in their fpeaking of this Union, they exprefs no more; and not fo only; but alfo [o limit it thereto herein: It muft be acknowledged, that their Graces dd dwell in us, and that they with their Graces. Yea, others fay, That his very M•fiui.Jup:! dwelling in us by Faith, is but by Faith as it is a Grace, which were all one and on Texi; · to fay, He dwells no otherwife in us by Faith, than as he doth by our mourning for Sin, and by every Afr that is holy, which we put forth, for they are Graces. Even as Come have Caid of late, that we are juflified by Love, and Mourning for Sin, and every Grace, as well as by Faith: No, Brethren, Jefus Chrift dwells in us by Faith,. taking him as its moll: proper Objell: appointed for it, and by going out ofour [elves to him: Gal.2.20,21. I am crucified J¥1ith Chrift: Nevertheleji I live, yet not I, lmt Chrift liveth in me: And the Lift which I now live in the Flejh, ]live [by the Faitf' of.the_Son of God,] n;ho IDved me, and $ave bin'['lf for me. And Faith by lettmg htm mto the Heart, IS as the Eye, whtch lets m the Sun, or any other beautiful Objell: into the Fancy, and the common Sence, !l:irring the Affections ; and this is peculiar unto the Grace of Faith to do. But to fay; Chrill' dwells in us only by his Graces, how doth this bring thofe great things which Chrift himfelf, John i4 & 17 chap. (and other Scriptures do) fpeak of this Union, unto Co gteat a lownefs. As when Chrill is laid to be our Lift, Col. 3· 4"· . (which yet Come would ha1>'e underftood only caufaliter, meerly as the Caufe of our·Lift, or Grace in iis.) But Gal.1.,2o. CP"aks, ifnot further; yet more.clearly; ' 'Tis not I that /ive,but Chrift lives in me. And it is certain, all Principles of Life, (what ever Life it be ) mnll be th~ moll intimate lndwellers in them which are faid to live