Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

d SERMON on live thereby : The animal and vital Spirits, and the Blood, that are faid to be the Life of a BeaO:, (as ~~ the Old Te0:<1ment) do ru'l and dwell within the Body and "Veins, aud Artenes, ond may be fatd to be the mo11: proper Inmates: And fo the pri.ncipal parts of the Body, as the Heart, &c. that are the Fountain of Life ; efpecially the ration,\4 Soul, that acts all in us: And this holds true of ChriO: much more ; he is Intimim· intimo nojlro. '7.\.plloc (both in his Englifh Sermons upon ~he Colofflans, and his Latin Corn– .'/::,::'~;[~ me~rs on the Galatiam, and the Co!ojjians alfo urget~ this: The manner ofSpeech, nojlra fpiri- ( fatth_he) Ch,.,Jl our LijC, notes thts, That that fpmtual Life we begin to live tte>lirabilia here, ts.not fo much a Ltfe dtfferent from hts Ltfe, m it is thevery Life that Chrifl vit.a CbriJli bves IJ11JJfllf, tbe VCI'J fame w Nufitber ~ that fan1e very Life, a11tlno other extends in nobir vi· to lfl, (o far as we arc capable : Liveth the 'Body another Life than the Head i! ventir, f!d T here is but one Life in the Man, and that the Head bath, the fame the whole una eademq; Body hnth, and it quickneth every Member of the Body. And there is a neare~ ~U """"''J Conjunction and In-being betwixt ChriO: and us, than there is between this Head ·";i,."~~r~/" pf ours, and the Bodr: And in the Galatiam, the ApoO:le fays not, (lays "he) fl0_emadmo- 'By Chrijl I fiVe, but It ts, Chrrfl bveth m me. dum note cjl alia atq; ali:' nremer~ vit~ corpuri~ & capitU n~tural~s,. fed ttn~ radttnq; re _& ?ume~o tttriltfq; vita, propter arfti/fim.Im d!am conpnlitOilml; 6"' quantQmagu Cbrijlt & nojfra, quanto tJr{Jtor t?" mtt)llr tft cttpitis Chri{ii & 11a/lri canjun{]io: V t verbo dicam, vita Noftrafpiritualii nihil ali:td t{f, qult.m vita Cbrifti viventj 1 in nobir. Roll. on 2 Gal. 20. Andupon Cul. 3· 4· Nondicit,vitam no/1ram effe ex Cbri{lo, vel per Chri{lum, fedCbriftum rffe vitam nojft.Jm: q:r!J locutione immit nos, 1on viverevitam qu.e quidtm fit ex Chrifto, & {catur)at ex ill~ fonte vit.e qu.e in i{'{O t}f, diver[11 tatmn rtipfo fit ab ipfo iliavitaChrifli, quam vivere ip[am& i/lam Cbrijli vitam, ip{iiuq, vitam·& noftr:Jm un.lm candt1nq;re& 1mmero eJfe: Vno verbo, vita noftra {piritttlllil nihil aliudeft, quam _Cbrijfi vit.l nos hradi.uu. And the Comrarifon that the Holy-Gho11: ufeth about Chri11:'s being our Life at the Rc!~rrection, (and the fame holds of all fpiritual Life begun here) in I Cor. I 5· Tb,!l "' Adam was made a living So11l, that is, a rational and animal Soul dwelt in a Body, and animated, inlpirin~ ii with Life; that Coin like man– Jlet:.ChriO: is to us a 'fllirk,_nilrg Spirit : And by Spirit, it is not the Holy-Gho11: who is there meant, for it is fpoken of ChriO: himldf, the fecond Adant ; and Paul Ctys, The Lord is that Spirit, 2 Cor. 3· I7and he fpeaks ofChriO:, as quickning our Souls; And the Parallel in that I Cor. I 5· in refpect of us, runs thus, That ar t.hc Soul dwelli1:g in Adam's Body, mddc him to be a living Soul ; fo Chrifi, as the Lord, that Spit:it dwelling in us, quickens us, enliveneth us, both here and hereafter. . If there were an Head fo full of Life, as ifjoyned to a Body wholly dead, or having the dead Pally, and could yet q,uicken,it fo far as idhould live, and be a ltvtng active Animal; thts mufl be done by tts Umon wtth tt, and dtffufiog its own vivific Life and Spirit into the Members ofthat Body ; now this is the cafe between CbriO: and us. He not only raifeth us up from the dead, by an efficient Power, but alto he doth by /Ji,felfquic~n lfl, and therefore dwdls in us as the Soul that enlivens rbe Body. And this is by his God-head or divine Nature, ·that he is thus able to dwell in us: which is CJlled the Spirit ofHolinefr in him, Rom.r. 4· and Heb. 9· I4. the Etemal Spirit by which he offered up himfclf. And that di– vine Nature, as dwelling fir11: in his own Humanity, doth by coming into us as a Sovereign Soul into our dead Souls, he quickens us; and fo lives in us : as GaL2. And is nor as one wholly without us; that by an external Power raifeth, as he will do wicked Men, much lefs by anorher only, viz. his Spirit (the Holy-GhoO:) only, buthimfelfimmediately; and fo he is the prim11m vivem in us, in refpeCl: of Spiritual Life. And whereas you wtllf.1y, the Graces wrought are an inward Principle of Spiritual Life ; vitalc printipi!tnJ as the Scbools calls them: yet he is intimior intima lloflro ; more within us, than we our fdves are within our felves, nr our own Graces. And hence it is, that when Paul fpcaks ofthisLife ofGraces; And of our Spiritual Life as it is in us, (whil11: comparing it with Chri11:"s living 'in us) he dorh as it were renounce that of his Graces to be hi' Life, or the chief jnward Principle ofliving (in that Gal. 2. 20.) not ablolutely, but in compari– fon unto Chri(\ hisbeing our Life: :J(;vetthelefl it h notltha~ live,. bHt Chriji liver m me: and that ( '!Ot I ] IS not only his carnal corrupt I, or {elfw)uch he renoun- • ceth