34 d SERMON on ~nd I in yoJt. The Perfon of the Father dwells in the Perfon of the Son, yea, m the Man Jefus: And fo far as the thmg ts capable, he prays for a like Union benfeen us and themlelves, but by meaes of himfelf. And therefore firO: now we are capable to have the Perfon of ChriO: dwell it1 us immediatly, and yet t~ have room left of an mfimte dtll:ance, between t~e Son of God dwelling in the Man, as perfonally one Pedon Wtth htm, and hts Perfon to dwell in us im– mediatly, and not b)L Graces only. Other Divines hav~ exprelfed this thus-: Tbat it is a ji,bftantial V11iu11, OI dwelling in us fublhntially, whereby I under: fiand, and I believe it to be their meaning, that the Perfon of the Son doth dwell in our Perfons, tho not as one Perlon with us; which is the Man Jefus's foie and only Privilege, who is the Founder of thisour Union: But w~ have the next Union unto that, which can be fttppofable, or which we are capable of. And furely he that dwells, as he is God, in common in all the Creatures ; his l'erfon and Godhead may well be thought todwell in us by a fpecial appropriated Inhabitation, as in his own Houfe, which we are, _ (lays the Apoflle) Heb. 3· yea, and not only fo, but h"' Body alfo. And thts Umon did ChriO: (in whofe human' Nature the Godhead dwei!J boJily, or perfonally) brin~ in for us not onlY. fuch an Union as Adam had, in whom 'tis true that the Spirit dwelt'but by G~aces which were the only Bond ofthatUnion; and therefore whenGraces were forfeited and f.1iled, that Union was inO:antly dilfolved: for the Spirit's Union \Vas foun– ded thereupon. And verily the forementioned Speeches which ChriO: exprefieth our Union by, do give the loud found of higher thingsby far, than that Union with GodwhichAdamhad, asto be 011e in 1u,&c.]ohn 17. by anUnion next degree unto that,which the Man Jefus, as then and now one Perfon with the Son, had and enjoy~d_, and thereby with the <;Jther two Perfons ofthe Trinity. ~nd perhaps if our Umon Wtth htmfelf, (who ts there made the means of our Umon with the Father) had needed to have been firO: and immediatly made by the third Per– fon, the Spirit, he would have faid, The Spirit in them, whichSpirit is mine, and I in the Spirit, and thou in me. And this had been meet and requifite to have been faid, if the Spirit had necelfarily been the Perfon, who fhould firO: have come be– tween Chrift's [elf and them, ere Chrill: could have been united to us; but he there mentions not the Spirit explicitly at all. The Father dwells not in the human Nature of ChriO:, but by the Spirit; and then why may it not be allowed, that the Perfon of Chrift fhould dwell firft in us by himfelf immediatly, and then to fend his Spirit ? Yea, I would have it enquired, whether at all Chrift is faid to dweU in tH by his Spirit? Indeed that the Spirit of Chriji is in w, and that the Spirit of the Son dweUs in w, is ofren [aid; but this is far from faying, that he dwells in us by hisSpirit, much lcfs, that his Perfon dwelleth in us but as by his Spirit dwelling in his ftead. ~ery 5· You may ask now in the fifth place, What need tl•e Spirit of G"d to dweU in us, if that the Perfon of Chrifi, the Son of God, in his own Perfon, immediately dweUin'"' 411d doth all for 1u, and in 1/S? Brethren, fhall I give you a fhort Anfwer : 'Tis e;; abundanti, out of the Abundancy and Fecundity of the Godhead, which bath three Perfons in it, and the Exuberancy of the Love of God, and of all the three Perfons in the Godhead, towards you ; that fo you may have the whole of the Godhead, both Divine Nature, and all the three Perfons, to dwell in you : yet fo asChrif!'s Perfon is ll:ill to be underftood to be the Medium or Means of thi~ Union of the {)ther two; and that not only by meriting or purchafing this Union with the other Two for us, and with Himfelf, but by his own Inhabitation fri1 and iln– mediate in llS· I fhall give you a plain InO:ance: You know that the human Nature of Jefus Chrill: is now perfonally united to the Son of God: I will but ask him (that asks the former Qllell:ion) the very fame Qg,eO:ion concerning Chrift, that thisQuelli– oniO: asks conccrnin~ us: Why and how doth the Spil~t d1vell in that human Nat11rd Is it not that by tl>e fecond Perfon's perfonally dwelling therein, the Fulnefs ofrhe Godhead, and all thofe ~lorious Fulnelfes do dwell m that Man alfo? And doth not the fecond Pcyfon dwell in him, and fill him immediatly by his perfonal · _ prefence