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E p H E s, 3· 17, prc!ence in him, and with him, with all Graces? And cloth not he; and is riot he fully fufficient to atl: all in him, that is any \j'ay to be atl:ed by him ? Was not that human Nature raifed up by that Spirit of Holi~~efl, that is, the Divine Nat•re in him ? as Rom. 1. 4· What needed he then to have the Spirit aoove meafure ~ The ground is, that where one Perfon is, there the other mufl: needs be alfo ; and therefore the Gifts and Graces in the Man Jefus witho11t nJe'!fitre, are attributed to the Spirit, as well as to the fecond Perfon, the Son in him ; and his being raifed up is afcribed to the Power of his Father in him, as well as to the fecond Perfon, Rom. 6. To bring this home to this Point in hand, of Chrifl:'s dwelling in us, you mufl: know, that take the human Nature of Chril!, confidered as fuch, and the Holy– Ghofl: dwells no otherwtfe therem, for the manner or kmd ofhiS Ind':'elling, thari be cloth in us, altho m two tbmgs there 1s a vafl: dtffcrence: Ftrll:, m the inea– fure or degree; tecondly, in the right or ground of his doing it, there is an infi• nite difference ; but for the kind or manner he is in us as in him, and but in us ag in him. · Tis true, that the Union of the fecond Perfon, the Son, with his human Na• ture, is of an higher and fuperior kind, than that Union which the Holy-Ghofl: bath with him as he is Man : for the fecond Perfon is one Perfor\ with that Man, but fo is not the Holy-Ghol!, nor is the Father, nor in that manner united to tqat Nature. Tis true alfo, that take the fecond Perfon, confidered finiply as God, and a Perfon in the Godhead, without the ·affumption of the Manhood, that then it mull: be (aid, that the Father and the Spirit did and do dwell in him, fo as not in us, by a Circum-inceffion, as the Scboolmen term it: which I cannot fbnd to eJ<plain. And fo they dwelt in that Divine Perfon, before the human Natur<> was taken up into union with it, and does fl:ill in an appropriate manner, and !hall, and mull: do fo to Eternity; But withal 'tis as true, that in the Human Nature that is taken up, and made into one Perfon with the Son, both the Fa~ ther, and Spirit do dwell therein, as Gmply confidered ; but with the fame kinct of Union, wherewith they dwell in us. And the reafon hereof is, for their dwelling in the Human Nature is not that they are perlonally united there– unto, fo as it might be faid, that the Father is one Perfon with the Man Jefus; or that the Holy·Ghofl: is one Perfon with that Man: No, 'tis only the Ma,, and the Son of God, that are become one Perfon; much lefs is it to be faid, that the M:11.t is ejfentially become God. And if neither of' tbefe, then it mull: remain that the Holy·Ghoft dwells in him as Man; but by the Inhabitation both of his Perfon; and by the fame Holy-Gboll:'s Per– fan, filling him with. Gifts, and Graces above mcafure; now thus in our meafttre, and Proportion alfo it mull: be faid that be dwells it\ us. And again, if the Man Cbrill: were united in one Perfon with the Father, and into one Perfon with the Spirit; then one, and the f.1me Human Nature, would be indeed the Three, by virtue of (ucb a Perfonal Union, if any fuch were : He then. mufi be f.1id t<i be o~e Perfon with All of them together; and with each of them afunder. He mtght be termed the Father, and the Spirit, as well as the Son ofGod: Now ifthefe two Perfons, the Father, and the Spirit, dwell not thus in that Human Nature Perfonally, nor each a< one Perjim, refpetl:ively with the Man Jefus; then it remains that they dwell but in the fame kind, or in that manner, in that nature, wbere\vitn they dwell irt us ; which is that their Perjims dwell in '"• with their operations ofGraces ; but not perfcmally. . . . • 2. As to the right whereupon the Spirit, and the Father, dwell in the Human Nature ofChrifl:; that is infinitely tranfcending this of the Spirits dwelling in us ! For the Father, and Spirit do dwell in his Human Nature, as be is now be– come one ofthe Perfons; the Man, God's Fellow, in their Cortiniunicative Sod• ety together. For lay but tbefe things together : Firfl:, All thtee Perfons· are ejfentiaUy one God; although Perfons diflintl: enjoying that God-head. And thus the Father, and Spirit do dwell naturally, or effentially in him; as be is the fecond Perfon, fimply confidered: And thus do each ofthe Perfons dwell one in another, and hold an intimate in-dwelling, and converfe one in and ..yith anothe.r; though a• F a Pe'~ 35