Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

E p HE s. 3· 17• That Chrijl's (andfo the Holy Ghofl's) dwelling in 111, is not only, or Primarily for, and by that his Perfon worf<Ifoch, andfoch Graces in 111, and the aCJings thereof; Bnt that his 'Perfon jirJ1 gives hin':felf, and comes into Its, in order to work_ tbefo Ejfil!s. This I confirm from the fimilitude, or likenefs of the Spirits dweliirtg in Chrilt's Human Nature. r. I would ask, cloth the Spirit dwell in the Human Nature ofChrilt, by his Graces, and Operations only joining himfelfto it? No, but the Perfon ofthe Holy– Gholl fills the whole fubllance ofthat Nature,with his own Perfon : that precious Ointment, the Spirit which Chrill's Humanity is anointed withal, cloth wholly, diffufe himtelfinto the whole and Inwards ofhim; and thereby, and from thence, and therewith fills that holy One with thofe odours ofGifts, and Graces which he foinfinitelyaboundsin. And as concerning us, itisinRom.8. II. thusfpoken ofus, and ofthe Spirit in us; that he that raifed up ChriJ1 from the dead, fhall alfo quickgn our mortal Bodies by hi< Spirit (or as it is in the Margent, becauft) hi< Spirit that dwelleth in us : the Holy Spirit dwells in our Bodies when dead, and in the Ground. Our Bodies are his Temples, (r Cor. 6. 19, 20. What, ktow ye not that yOHr Body i;: the Temple ofthe Holy Ghofl, whicb i< inyott ; whichye have ofGod; and ye are not your own? for ye are bought with a Price, tberefore glnrijj God in your Body, •nd in yottr S;irit, whirh are Gods:) as well as our Souls, and he never ceafeth to dwell in.them, after he is once come into them; as he did not withdraw from Chrill's Body: and I am fure you will not fay (as to what concerns us) that he dwells in the Bodies ofthe Saints when they are dead, by his Graces; the Soul carries them all to Heaven with it and in it ; it is therefore his Perfon, that having once taken them into his Polfeffion, and acted in them, keeps Polfeffion in them until the l).efurrection. 2. Another part of this likenefs, between thefe two In-dwellings is, that look as hecaufe the Son ofGod the fecond Perfon dwellingfirll in, and polfeffing the Human Nature of Chrill, as one Perfon with him ; that then and thereupon the Spirit comes to dwell in that nature alfo; and that fo it is in his In-dwelling in us; as to refpet1: that Chrill jirft dwells in us, and then fends his Spirit to dwell in us; though upon another ground, and right, as was faid, than that whereupon the Spirit dwells in Chrill. . 3· As for that PointofChrilt's Divine Nature, or as he is fecond Petfon and fubfilling in that Nature, hi< dwelling asfoch immediately in us; I argue thus from what bath been faid, that this Divine Nature, and he as fecond Perfon, (and fo the Divine Nature in him,) is as capable, and able to dwell immediately in us,' as the Spirit the third Perfon is: whofe Perfon many Divines acknowledg to dwell immediately in us, and in our Perfons, and~otby his Graces only; and then,why may not the fecond Perfon alfo and the Divine Nature ofhim? why may not that Perfon fill us immediately with his Ood-head ? for as fuch he is a Spirit; yea that Spirit in that he isGod, ]oh. 4· And Spirits do, and can eaflly mingle; the God– head, that is a Spirit can readilyjoin with our Souls that are Spirits, and be both in them, and through them, as 'Pan! fpeaks. Satan a Spirit, can polfefs your Bo– dies, yea he cloth fill the Hearts ofMen oftentimes, in that intimate way and man• ner, which a Man is not able to do, as the Scripturefpeaks. Can Satan do it be– caufe he is aSpirit ; and cannot Chrill, and the Spirit of God much more inti– mately, and clofely, who is God, and as he is God? And it is his Divine Nature th~t is termedSpirit in Chrill often in Scripture, in dillinltion from his HumaNity; which in a comradillinction is lliled his Flefu; cloth his being united to that Man debar him,or bath it made him incapable ofthis? Surely no,for even after the day of Judgment, when it is faid, that God jba/1 be All in All ; many underlland it 1 eor; fi' (and it cannot well be underllood otherwife in its Coherence) that God, Father, · • Son, and Holy-Gholl, and the God-head in them All, lhall in an immediate manner be All inAll to theSaims for ever, and immediately dwell in us for ever. And yet the fecond Perfonihall not then lay down his being Man, no not to all Eternity ; for it is in refpea: thereofthat Cbrilt is faid in that very place to he Subjeel · to