Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

E p H E s. 3· 17· to come in upon our Hearts, and w.ork ~pon our Souls; that is the firll ; for Chrill: to dwell in our Hearts by Faith, Is by operation, and working, whereof Faith is the Inll:rument. 2. Affertion; Th~t the Perfon ofChrifl: dwelling in us, there are thoufandsof Operations and Influences of Chrill:'s Perfon in us, wlieretO our Faith contributes nothing: Chrill:'s working in us is not to be limited to that; it were.ill for us if it were fo. Jefus Chrill: works a thoufand, and a thoufand Operations in our Souls,to which our Faith concurs nothing; it were ill for usifChrill: did wqrkno more in us, than we have Faith for; our Faith is too narrow to limit .and bound his Operations by. I will give you an Inll:ance : there were two DitCiples went to Emm~tH, but they knew not that Chrill: talked with them, yet faid tli~y lie warmed our Hearts ; and yet they did not believe nor act Faith upon him. Chrifl: dwells in us, and works in us when we act not, and kno ot our Union, nor that it is he that works. But faith the Apofl:le, I pray that rill:may do nothing, but that your Faith might go along with him in it. Oh that were bleffed and glo– rious indeed: that Chrill: !hould do every thing in you, and for you through your believing,and exercifing your Faith on him for it; and fo that through your Faith . on Chrill: all might be derived unto you : and that the whole management of the Difpenfations of God towards you might be by Faith; and that we might attain the highell: In-dwellings, and Operations in us through Faith. 3· A!fertion ; That when the Apofl:le prays, that Chrill may dwell in your Hearts by Faith, it is not only by Faith as jul1:i£Ying, but all forts of ways wbat– foever, whereby we are to exercife Faith upon Chrift, and that through all ways whatfoever ; and that thereby Chrill: might ll:ill take their Hearts, and dwell in their Hearts, be the occafion what it will be; whatfoever it be in Chrill: that is confidered and eyed by them. My Brethren, Jefus Chrill: (whole Chrift) con– tains a wonderful deal more than as the object of your Faith jull:ifying; Jefus Chrill: is a mighty large thing for your Faith, and your Thoughts to work upon. All that you know ofhis Perfon, all that you know he bath done, and will do ; all thefe are matter for tbeexercife ofyour Faith on Chrifl:. J<fus Chrill: ferves for infinite other things than to jull:ify us, and Faith ferves for infinite othtr things than to jufiify us; yet this I mull: add, that no Man can act Faith upon Chrilt heartily, fpiritually, or effectually, for other things, that bath not firll: acted Faith upon Chrifi for Jufiification; ifa Man have not acted Faith fdr his Jufiification on Chrifl:, he wil) have no Heart to go to him for SanU:ification, Deliverance, Freedom from Wrath, Hell, and other things: No, according as we act on him for Jufiification, we !hall act on him for other things; but all I drive at here, is to fhew that Faith is acted on Chri!l:for dther things befide Jufiification. Gal. 2. 19. I am dead to the Law, faith the Apofile; that I might live unto God ; to live to God is the whole Life ofa Chrill:ian, and not only to live the Life ofJull:ification; and then he adds, v. 20. I anter11cijied witb Ch!ft; ncvCI'thelefl, Ilive: yei not I, b11t but Chr!ft liveth in me ; a11d the Life which I now live in the Flefb is by the Faith of the Son o[God. Hence I gather that Chrifi's living in him,extends not to Jufiifica– tion only, but to the whole Life ofa Chrifiian; he adds alfo that Chri(t's living in him is by Faith,and that the whole courCe ofhis Life in this World is b'y Faith : So that this I gather as a ll:rong Argument,that all the Life of the Apofile to God, every manner ofway, whether Natural, or·Spiritual, ii was by Faith on Chrifi. My Brethren, take the whole ofJefus Chrict,whatfoever you can know ofhim, or learn ofhim,for you to act Faith upon him, to view him as fuch; thereby Je; fus Chrill: is let down into your Souls dwelling in you; making Impreffions upon your Soulsaccotding to what you know of him; and he cloth accordingly work in you difpofitions to him, adorations ofhim, according as you know him ; fo he works alfo in you Affections to him, and all holy Impreffions whatfoevcr : fo he \vorks in you atcording as ydu act Faith on him, or think of him in ariy confide– ration whatfoever; whether in his Death, or R.efurrection, or any other Confi– deration. Brethren, Set your Hearts to think on Chrifi as dying for your Sins, and fee what difpofitionsofHeart this works in your Souls unto Chrill:; and fo go over G Othet 'fl