d SERMON on ·other confiderations ofChri!l:; inure your Hearts thus to thi~k ofChri!t,and join Prayer to God to work wtth you, and you will·find that gomg from one thing to another, all ofChri!l:will affell: your Heart; and Jefus Chrifl: hereby worksup– on you, applieth himCelfto you, fupphes you, and changeth,your Heart into his ·Likenefs and Image. Grace in us fhould be fo wrought in us to fuch a height, as that nothing but the Image ofChrifl: fhould be in the all:ings ofour Hearts;and that there fhould be in us difpofitiom fuitable to every thing we know and believe ofChrifl:, tbat fo Chri!l: (thus in his Image) may indeed dwell in your Hearts by Faith; for the I– mage ofChrifl: in you is called Chri!l:: and I might give you Scriptures for it. All: Faith on Cbrifl: as dying for you, and you !hall fee that it will make a Lu£1: to fhrink and die in you; as one faid of a Lufl: at a Sacrament,that when he all:ed Faith on Chri!l: as dying, his Lufl: fhrunk and fculk'd prefently; fo it would be with us: and indeed we need no other Re~r;ion but this, to aCt Faith upon Chri£1: confiantly, and then lhould find all this m us; though we are apt to be dif– couraged that we find it not prefently. The