E PH E s. 3· 16, 17, &c. 45 ~~~------~~ Converfion, or turning the Soul, that is attributed to God, to him as the Object of it efpecially ; but Faith is pointed to Jefus Chrifl: 'T(epenta11ce towardt God, a11d Faith towards our Lord Jef114 Chri.ft. Jwill not enlarge further upon this, than thus: Brethren, when the Soul turns to God, the orderly Method is, That it fhould go to JefiJs Chrifl, immedi– atly and firfl to him, and through him to God, and in him to God, for Pardon, and all elfe : John I 4· 6. No Mm co11Jet to the Father, but by me, (they are places well enough known to you) therefore in John 6. 45· They jiJd!l be all ta11ght of God to come to me, laysour Lor<l and Saviour Jefus Chrift. The Father, when he means to Cave a Soul, he directs that Soul to his Son ; tbe Soul comes humbly before God the Father, and God the Father fays, Go to my Son; he fecretly tea– cheth the Soul : No Man can comumto me, except the Father which hath fent me draw him : It it written in the Prophett, they Jhall be all taught of God: Every one therefore, that hath heard and learned !If the Father, cometh unto me. Brethren, It is certain, that of all things elfe, we in our own natural difpofiti– ons are mofl remote in going to Chrifl: We go to the Father, and to God, that all Nations do by a natural inflinct ; they have in their Hearts fame knowledg of a God, and will run to their own Performances, and they will turn to God, and leave their Sins, and fet up Duties that God requires, which they have omitted, but llill they will not go to Chrlfl, till the Father put an inflinct into them. Why did the Beafls go into the Ark? God put an inflinct into them, that they fhould j'(o by couples; [o God puts an infiinct into the Soul to go.to Chrifl: and hence, He that hath teamed and heard i!fthe Father, comet tome, fays he. And therefore Faith and Chrifl are coupled, as you [ee, and yoaked in this place. And when the Soul bath come to Chrifl, by obferving and feeeing, as Jofepl!s Brethren did the Countenance of Jofeph, what his Countenance is, what his Entertainment is, how he looks upon them : 2 Cor. 4· 6. Therein we fee the Glmy of God, in the Face of Jefm Chrifl. That is the Anfwer to the firfl Qyeflion, Why Faith and Chrifl: are thus coupled together in a more immediate conjunction, that when he would pray, that he fay, That Chrifl may dwell in the Heart by Faith ? ' Another Q\Jeflion is, How Chri.ft i1 foid to dwell hJ Faith, a11d how the Ho/;' Ghoft it fad to dwell? But a fecond thing I wbuld fpeak to, is this : What is thi< fame dwelli11g iJJ Chrifl by Faitl>, and the Extent of it ? Truly, Brethren, I fhall an[wei' it at lafl: more fuily : in the mean time, It IS not juflifying Faith only, when we hear of Chrifl and Faith, prefently we think it is putting forth an Act of juflifying Faith : No, Brethren, it is not fo here, Chrifl doth not dwell in us only (nor mofl properly) by Faith juflifying. It is · called juflifying Faith, becaufe it juflifies; but this is a dwelling, Chrilldwelling: Chrifl jufl:ifying us, is but one ACt, or one Benefit, which he beflows; but here is a dwelling, and this extends further. The Apofl:le fuppofeth the Soul jufli· fied, but that he may dwell: John I 5· 3, 4· Now are ye clean, through the Word that I have Jfrokpz to you: Abide in me, and I in you. Abidi11g here in ]oh11, and Cht·ifl dwelli11g, in Paul, are all one: Says he, You are c/w,, that is, You are now; through my Grace and Spirit put upon you, purified by Faith, you are regene– rated, and jt hath been wrought much by my Word that I have fpoken to you: what remains? All the refl: of your Lives to dwell in me, and I to dwell in you, Abide i" me, and I i" you. Now that you are thus made clean, that is the next thing you are called upon to do. My Brethren, :srou mufl: know there is a twofold Union with Chrifl, arid Chrifl with us. I. ARelative Vnion, that is; whereby he takes upon him the relation of being a Hu!band, and to be one with us all forts of waJs, which the Relations of Uni– ty do_exprefs. And this Union is fullY. and compleatly done, When fir!l: \ve are turned