Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

of God !hining in the Works ofChrifl:: and therefore when you read th~tChrill is called the Wifdom ofGod (there is one Attribute) and the Power .of Go:l (there is another) it is not fpoken !iO)ply ofwhat is inherent in his Perfon, but of what appeareth in his works, what appeareth in what he bath done,and the Fruits ofit; and he is called the Wifdom of God, and the Power ofGod in the AbllraCl:. Adamhe might be faid to be Wife, and he might be faid tobe Holy, bpt he could not becalled the Wifdom ofGod, nor could he be called the Holineii of God,but fo Jefus Chrift is. Aad he is not fo called, either in refpefr ofthat elfential Image, that is, as he isfecond Perfon; or ofthatlmage otGod,which !hines in his Perfon as he is God-Man, but ofwhat !hines in the Works that he bath done; as he is made unto us RighteoufneCs, and SanCtification, and Redemption, (as it follows there in the !aft verfe ofthat, I Cor. I.) So he is called the Wifdom of God and the Power ofGod, &c. So as now if you take the infinite Wifdom of God, that arifeth out of the Story of the Life and Death of Chrifr, out of his Refurrel:lion, A!CenGon into Heaven, &c. and the Fruits and Ends of all thefe, there is an higher Wifdom of God appears, eveninthefe Works of Chrifl:, than appears in all the Creation befides. And fo of the Power of God too : It is not only that he being God and Man, bath power to do what he will, that is proper to his Perfon ; but go take the Works that he hath done, that he hath overcome Sin, and Hell, and Death, and the Wrath of God, that he was manifeCt:ed to be the Son of God, with Power in riling again, as Rom. I. 4· In this refpeCl: he is called, the 'Power of God. And fo likewife, in the third place, as he bath ratified an,I made good all the Truths of God, as all the Promifes of God are Yea and Amen in him, fo he may in that refpeCl: he called the Truth of God. And fo alfo he may be called the 'juflice of God, becaufe God in him hath manifefl:ed fuch a llighteoufneCs, ~s never elfe would have been manifefi:ed : He hath not only manifefi:ed in his Per£0n, that he is righteous, but in his Works, in that he hath fatisfied the Wrath of his Father. . And fo likewife he may be called the Love of God ; for the higheft Mani– feCt:ation of Love that ever God !hewed, lies in wh~t Cbrift done for us, in that God gave his Son, and his Son gave himfelf: Herein lies the Height, a11d Depth, and Length, and Breadth of the J..,ove of God, which ;af!ith kpowledg, as the ApalHe fpeaks, Ephef 3· 18, 19. And lafrly, to in!i:ance in no more, by the fame reafon that he is called, the Wifdom, and the Power of God, he may alfo be called, the 'Palienee and the Long:foffiring of God; fer by reafon of the Blood of Chri!i:, and by an Over~ plus of it, into the Jl.argain, as it were, it is, that he. is patient with all wicked Men, fuffers them to live, letB ,the World fl:an<il to th1s day. Now go take this Image of God, that thus fhines in Jefus ChriCt:; not in his Perfon only, but in his Works, whic4 is yet a lower Jmage than what is .in his Perfoo, and that is a lowe.r thing too, than what isin him as he is (econd Perfon ? and I fay, Adant was but ameer empty Shadow, .in comparifon of this Subfi:ance which God had in his eye, wheu he faid, Let 111 ma~ Man accordht/i to our !"'age. · Having thus fbewn you, that Adam i.n all thefe refpetl:s was but ati empty Image, in comparifon of the Mao to CO~~Je; having fpoken fomewhat of his Creation, and likewife fomewhat of tpe Image of G.od in him, I will now come to fpeak ~oncerning his Marriage: for all that I have now C1id, is but an Intro– duction to what the Text which I have read holds forth; it is but to connect what l have formerly delivered, with what I fhall now do. . ln thefe words then the Holy·Ghofl: doth make .(ldam to be a Type and d Shadow of Jefus Chrifi:, in his Marriage with Eve. As he was held forth his Type in his creation at firfl:, as he was held forth his Type, io that he was a Shadow of the Image of God in ,him ; fo take .his Ma~riage wit~ his Wife, and 53