A SE R M 0 N on mull be reduced to what .Ada!lt was at firfl reduced to, that was to be alone and that is not meet. ' 2. The next Counfel God held about Adamwas this, He went and viewed all the Creatures tb,at he had made, and amongfl them ail (faith, Gev. 2. 2o.) tbere wd< not j01md an Help meet for him. So when God was in Confultation who lhould be the Wif~ and Sp.oufe ofJefus Chrifr, he views the Angels firll, but he refufeth them; he m no wtfetook on htm the Nature ofAngels, Heb.2.16. why? becaufe he would not be a Hufband to them, and he is no where called fo. There was none elle, none was found to be a match fit for him, but the Sons of Men· whofe Nature he meant to a!fume, and not all of them neither, he viewed all th~ Sons of Men, and he took but a Remnant out ofthem, The Elellion hath obtained it, and the reJ1 were hardned, faith he, Rom. 11. 7· He viewed all that he could have made,that's more,and out of all he chafe thofe whom he bath elected. Herein God did but aB: hi• own Eternal Purpofes and Counfels concerning his Church pitching upon a few Creatures, whom he chafe out of all thofe whom he eithe; had or could have made, to be a meet Help for his Son Jefus Chrifr. You will fay, Is the Church a Helper to Jefus Chrifr? Wherein is the Woman a Helper to the Man? She is pleafant to him ; She is a Companion for him. The like is faid of the Ch.t,!rch, She is a Helper to him in two refpeB:s. Firfr, She is his Glory, as in 2 Cor. 8. 23. They are (faith he) the G!orJ of ChriJ1. Even as the Wife is faid to be the Glory ofthe Hufband, in 1 Cor. 11. 7. And then Secondly, She is a Comfort to him. You will wonder that the Church lhould be lo to Chrifr; but you'lhall lee it, inPfal. 45· where, !peaking of the Church and Chrifr, C1ith he, v. 11. Forget thine own People, ~nd thJ Fathers Hou.fo (he !peaks m the fame Language that he cloth here) So JbaU the Kmg greatly delight in thy BeautJ. Thereforein this very.Chapter, Eph. 5· v. 27. he laith, that Jelus Chnllts to prelent to htmlelfa glonous Church ; that as ZanchJ well fays, in Hea– ven he will fet her up full ofBeauty and Glory, Behold,here is She that 1have 111ade to delight in; and the Glory he will put upon her he continually prefents to him– felf to delight in. Therefore you !hall find, in 1oh. I 5· that his Joy is faid to be in his Church, Keep "'J Commandments, faith he, .foJhaU my 1oJ be inJOII. And in Epb. I. ult. the Church is called his FulneCs ; which is his BodJ, the jitlnefl of hi111 that filleth aU in aU. He alcribes as much to Chrifr as can be, he faith, he filleth her and all things elfe, and yet in a Senfe !he is hii FulneCs too. She is a Helper to him. 3· When Adatn was alone, before God made the Woman, he ble!fed Adam, and in him ble[ed her afterwards to be made. This you may find, in Gen. 2. 26, 2 7. He gaveall the World unto Adan1, and in giving it to him he gave it to his Wife, and to his Seed that lhould come of her. So was it here, when Jefus Chrifr and God was alone in Heaven, before the World was, he undertaking to be a Hufband, God confidering the Church in i)im, He did blefl tn with all Spirit1.al Bleffings in heavenly places in him ; He gave all to Chrifr, and in Chrifr gave all to her, and to all her Seed, and to all that lhould come ofher. AU is JOIIrs (faith the Apofrle) becallftJOII are Chrijl's, and Chrift is God!, 1 Coq. tdt. Here you fee the Counfel that God held concerning Adam and Eve in their Marriage, it holds with God's Eternal Counlel, concerning the Marriage of Chrifr and his Church. II. Let us come to the Creation ofthe Woman out ofthe Man, and you fhall fee fiill that the MyfterJ runs on. 1. Eve was made out ofAdam, [o was the Church out of Cbrifr. God could have raifed up Seed to Abraham out ofStones, out ofnothing. No, but as he did take lomething out ofAdam, and made the Woman of it ; fo he took of Chrill, and made the Church; as you have it 1ob. 16. 14. Therefore it is mightily ob– fervable in the Text, that we are not laid to be Os Offis, in the Genitive Cafe, but ex Offibtt<ejM, as noting out the Subject Matter, out of which we were taken. All were made out ofone, fo faith the Apoftle, (peaking of Ad•m; and all are made out ofone, fo C.ith the Apofrle alfo, fpeaking of Chrifr and bis Church, Heb. 2.1 1. We are all feminally in Jefus Chrill, and we areOs ex Offibmejll.f,Bone out ofhi• Bone, and Flefi1 out ofhis Fle!h. Ifyou read Gen. 2. 2 3· you fhall fee the