the reafon given, why the Woman is faid to be Bone 4 hu Bone, and FleP., of hu F!ejb, the Texne!ls us, it is 6..caufe jbe WM taken out of Ma11. The Holy Ghoftin the Greek follows the fome emphafis, We are (faith he) Ex0./]i6Uf; Bo11t otll of his Bones, taken out of him. Which is true in t\\'O refpeCl:s. . ·For, Firft, Confider the Church myClically; as lhe is a Church, as !lie is Holy, and as lhe is Glorious, and whatfoevcr lhe hatb, as fl1e is fuch, it is wholly ·out of Chrill, She is Bone out of his Bones in that refpeCl:. Of hi'm;·• arei11Chrijl Jefm, faith theApofile, • Cor.iolO• And, We arehisworlaJul!f– jbip creattd·in Gtmfl Jtfus; and our of Clmfl Jtfzu, Eph. i. re. That look what Bones Adamhad, the fame Bones the Woma" had when /he was made. look what Flelh he hod, lhe had likewife. So it is true of .Jej«f Chrifl and hi; Church, by way of analogy, in a fpi;itual and myftical fenfe; as Eve received Bone for Bone, and Flelh for Flelh, and Eye tor Eye, and Hand tor Hand. ro look what Graces Chrift hath, the Church (take her 0!Jz Churth, as fl1e is b~autified with Graces and Glory in Heaven) has Grace for Gracr. There is no– thing that Chrd:l hath, but !be hath alfo, and fo we are Bone of his Buues, ana we have it out of him too, that is, from him. And therefore in the i6th vcrfe of this Chapter it is faid, that he fa11flt{ieth a11d deanfeth the Ch11rch, that he might prefent it to himfelf a gloriom Chttrch. Look what Holincfs and what Glory lhe hath, it is all from him. . . But I think, Secondly, That when he faith, We art Boiteottt of his Bonti; apd Flejh out of his Flejh, there IS a further thwg meant. The Lhttrch is not fo'only, if you take her in refpeCl: of her Graces, and qualifications of Glory and Grace, having the fame ·Graces that Chrift hath, making an allufion to Bo11es and to Flejh, Members of the Body, and Graces, Members of the Mind. That is not all the ApoClle's fcope; but I take it further the meaning is this, That J•ftu Chrifl having an humane Nature, ordained fir(\ to be his, we (taking thefl!bClanceof that Nature) havealfothefame. There is one Scripture that feems to contraditt: ir, that is He6, 2.. ·•4· where it is faid, Forafmuch M the Chitdmt are partaktrs of Fle{b a11d Blood, he atfo himfelf likewzft took part of the j'ame. It is eafily ·anfwered; For Fltjh and Blood there, is meant the Frailties of Man's Nature; and fo the ApoClle's meaning is this, That whereas we, through fin, had fubjected our felves to the frailties of Flelh and Blood, he took part of the fame. It is clearly his fcope there. Blft yet, becaufe Jef.u Chrijl was ordained to the fubftance of an humane Nature, therefore were We fo too; and we are chofm ;,. him, and fo we are C-~'-rife7t1PX.~f«U7i',~~T~vk~t.~vttVri, Fitjbof his Ftejh, and llone ·of hM Bones, for' the fubllance ol our Nature. It is an excellent difiinCl:ion One hath ; Chrzfl, he is Os 0./]is, Bone of our Bo11t, in the Genitive Cafe; but we ate Ex bj[e, Bo11e of his Bonf, taken out of him. How came Chrifi to be the Saviour of the Church? What faith he ver,2.?? He u the of thi! Gbzirch, ani! He is the Saviour of the Body. Fir(\ a Head, then a Saviour. Why was Chrifi or• dained to die? Was that God's primitive Decree concerning him? Or did he not think of fending Chrift to be a Head, till fuch time as he th6ught of fendiog.him to die? No, He thought fir(\ of fending him to be a Head. How do you prove that? Becaufe he therefote left Father and Mother, for this cafl(e, becaufe he was an Head. The Text is exprefs in verfe l t. He having fir(]: made him a Head to us, we are Members of his Body, he having 9rdairied us tu be of the fame nature, of his Flelh and of his Bones, therefore it was that he died. For thu cau(e (faith he) /ball a man leave his Father mtd Mother; the llpoftle applies this to ChriCl, I JPeak coltetrning Chrif/ a11d his Church, faith he. He lefr his Father in'Heaven, and his Mothet on Earth, to give him• felf for his Church. I And that is the Fidl: thing wherein Ad11mwas aType of Chrifl, ih refpect of Eves creation, fl1e was taken out of him. · 2, Out of what part of Adamwas lhe taken? The Text faith ih Gni. l,'l. r, that the Lo>·d cafl him into a derp jleep, a11d then opened his (ide, and took Evt out of it. lt was indeed in the letter of it, to fhew the equality of the Wife to I the 57