. A S£.RMON on ~he H.usband; lhe was not taken out of his Foot, bllt out of his Side, becaJfe fhe IS to be a Compamon to lum. In thts alfo was Adam a type of Chrilt. the Chttrch was taken out of his Stde; and the Ap,oille John, Chap.!g.V.J4. yo;!hall fee mal<es a great matter of tt ;. 01te of tbe SquJdurs (faith he) wttb a Spear pierced hu fide, and forth<JJitb came tbere out Bloodand Water: A11d be that Jaw it, bear record, mzdhis record is true; imd be knows tbat beJays trut that J'e might6rlttve. It is a ilrange thing, that in the mid£! of a llory the Apoille lhould come and put fuch an emphalis upon this paffage; This (faith he) 1 ob– .ferved ab?ve all clfe, and tills . I bear record of. Why? It was ~ot in refpeCl: of the mtra~le of 11; .for m die PertcardJUm, the Purfe that a mans heart lies in .there is Water !or the cooling of the heart, and if you pierce that, Water wili prefently iffue out. It was n~t therefore,.' fay, in re.fpeCl: of the miracle of it, that he takes fuch fpectal nouce of thts paffage_, t hat upon the opening of his fide there came forth Blood and Water; but m refpeCl: of the myllery of it. Therefore the fame .1o~':• (and only he of all the Apollles) in , ']ob11 ~. 6. faith, Thu" be that came 6y iJ·attr a11d 6y Blood, even Jejtu Chrzfl. He makes that •the evidence that he was the Mtf/iab, becaufe out of his fide came Water and'':' Blood, Water to fanCl:ifie his Church, fo faith Paul here in this Epb. ~- wr. ~6. He janl1tjirth and clmnjeth bis Churcb 6y tbe wa{bing of Wattr, She is taken out of his fide, and Water cometh out of his fide tocleanfe her; and Blood alfo. Water toJtml1•fie and pttrifie her; arrd Blood to jufl•Jie her, and to make her and to preje11t btr agloriotls Churcb to bimjdj, as the Text bath it alfo. ' 3· When was all this done to.Adam? It W!<IS when Adam was a lleep. When was it that Cbrifl's fide was opened? ·It was, when he was a lleep, when he was dead; I Cor,r 'j.w.He is the Firj/-fruits of tbem tbat Jlup, (for fo 'Deatb is often called in the Scriptures.) lfai.n. 10. Hr fba/1 foe bis fud, 6e– cau]Cbedied,andofferedupbisSoulforSin; mtdhejba!ljnof tbetravdof bis Sotll, andbejiltisfiul. 4· If you look d1e fiery in Gmifir~ the Text faith, Tbat of tbe Rib that the Lord bad taken from tbeman, bematitthe Woma11. Read your Margent, He 6nilded tbe Wommt; for lhe is a more curious frame than the Man, he built her, fuewed agreat deal of art in making her, Now you lhall find in the Scripture, that Jefus Chrifi is called the Foundation; and what is his Church? It is his buildmg, built up for him with a great deal of Art and ArchiteCl:. In Epbej.z,' ult. the Apo£tle uleth the very fame expre!lion, Te are built ttpon the foutJiutio 11 of tbe Apof/les a11d Prophets, .7eftu Chrifl bim{elj btlng the. cbief Corner }lone; in wbdm all the br11ldmg fitty framed, (or as the word ts, artifie~aUy framed, barmo11iou.fly,with all the art and curiality that can be,) g~oweth unto an bo!y Temple ilttbe Lord, i11 wbomye atjo are btlllt together for m1 habitation of God. 5• Whenhe had taken the Woman out of the Man, what doth God do?. He clofeth up the Flelh again; here is no hurt done, the Man is as found, lived as long, yea, would have lived to eternity, if he had not finned, for all his lofs. And what hath Jefus Chrillloll by his death? Nothing; he bath got a Cb11rcb by the means, He wM mtJde (faith the Apollle, Heb. ~-9·) a IJttle lower (or, for n little while lower) tban tht Angels, tbat be mtgbt briiiJ many Sons unto .~lory. He endured pain up_on the Crofs, he endured to have his fide pierced, and his Soul wounded to have Ius Churcb taken out, allts clofed up agam, and the Man Cbrij/ Jeftu is in Heaven for ever, and his Church Jhall be for ever with him. This is all that is loll. And fo much now for the Second Head, wherein this type holdeth. The firll: I told you was God's eternal Counfel .about Chri(l and the Ch11rcb, which an– fwereth to the Counfel that was about Adam and Eve, when fl1e was made. The Second, was about the creating of her out of him. Ill. The Marriage it felf. And concerning that the Text faith. 1. That God d:d bring the Woman unto Adam, Gen.z.zz. So God, when he had chofen his EkCl:, he did prefent them unto .7e(tu Chrtj/. He did this in his Eternal Purpolcs, and he doth do it, when he calls them home unto bun. He