Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

E pH E s. V. p, j I;~ 2. He did it in his everlalling Purpofes, he fl>ewecj .7efru Chnfl what a glorious Church he would give lum for him to delight in for ever; and Jefus Chrill was (o taken with her beauty, that he never leaves till he bath made her as glorious as !he tirll rofe up to him, in God's eternal prefentation of her to him. There– fore faith the Text here, in Eph.5. He P"lenteth to himfe!f a glariotts Church; it is an allufiou unto that in Ge11. 2. n. A difeafe was befallen her; but CLrill doth never leave till he hat h rellored her to her Primitive beauty; in which !he was prefented to him. So that Jcfus Chrill, he did not choofe his Church, !he was brought unto him; Th"" they wen, mid tho11 gavtf/ thtm to 1Jit, As in God;s everlalling Purpofes, he brought them firll to Chrill; fo when Chrifl: hath died, when he bath !hed the Water and Blood out of his fide, who is .it that flill brings every Soul unto Chrill? lt is the Father, .7ohn6. 44, 45; No man ca11 come to me, except the F.tther which bath [till me, dr,,w h1m. It i~ wriltmm the Prophets, And theyjha!l h a/lta11ght of God: Every m,m thert– fore h.#h htard and h,lth learned of the Father, comtth 111Jto me. God fpenks to the heart of every Soul, who cometl1 unto Chrill; he fpeaks as a Father-in-Law doth to a Daughter, whom he would have to marry his Son, fpeaks to her heart, puts an inllinct into it. 'Daughttr (f~ith he, Pftl. 45·) forget thy PeopJ~ and thy Fathers houfe. He fpeaks mAdam s language m this fecond of GnJejis, giveth that counfel to his Church, and fo !he cometh to Chrill. 2. When fl1e was brought unto Adam, he confenteth and owneth her: So doth Chrill; thofe whom his Father bath given him, and whom he bath brought unto him, heowneth; infomuch •• he will not pray for a Soul but them; I pray notfor the World, 6tstfor them whom tho11 -haft givm me. None other comes to him, but whom God thus bringeth; and when they are brought he owns them, he knows them all by their Names, fo the expreilion is .7uhn Io. There– fore in John 6. 57· All that the Father giveth me, jha/1 come to me; mid him that cometh to me, I will i11 110 wife caf/ otst. For when a poor Soul (that God from everlalling bath given him) comes to him, he inllantly owneth that Soul, as Adam did Eve. This is that Soul I died for; th is is the Soul that Water and Blood came out of my fide for, with an intention to wa!h. This is the Soul l took aview of among all the rell, and this Soul pleafed me, and there was a beauty put upon it then; therefore l will fanetifie and clcanfe her by the wa!hing of Water, till I have prefented it glorious to my felf, that I may delight in her for ever. And fo much for the Third Head. The !all that I !hall mention is, IV. The confequent of Adam's Marriage, which was, I. An Union ; and the fiery of Adam's Marriage affords us fuch an Union as no Marriage elfe befides. Both became onej/e(h; and not only fo, !he was not only one lle!h with him, becaufe of her relation of Wife, and as Man and Wife afterwards were, and now are ; but !he was one lle!h with him too, becaufe !h-e came out of him. She was both Caro una, and !he was alfo 'De carne, or Ex carne, !he was both one lle!h with him, and !he was out of his lle!h al– fo. Our Children, they are out of our lle!h ; but they are not Caro 11o{/ra, as Wives are, they are not our fle!h, And W ives, they are our lle!h; but they are not Ex cartu, and Ex oJ!r, out of our Flelh, and out of our Bone. But fo it is here in Adam's Marriage, Eve, !he is united to him in both the nearell and dearell relation, Adam is both a Husband to her, and a Father, 2. For thi! cau(t (faith Gnu.) /h.•IJ a man ltave R1ther mrd Mothtr_ Did not Chrill do (o? ~oh" I6.28. J camt forth/rom the Frtther, and am come into tht World. Clmll, he was m the bofom o his F.tther, I Joh" I. I 7, I 8. and he left his Father, and took upon him the form of n Servmtt, Phi!. j. came and dwelt amongll us, ferved for his Church as .'facob did for Rachel. Chri(l: was a Lover, he did it out of love to his Church, left his Father. Nay, not only (o, but his Father forfook him; MJ God, my God, why ha~ thou forj'aken me? I:~. And 59