Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

------ ----------------------------- A SE RM 0 N on, &c. 6o And he left his Mother too, when he was here bdow. When thofe came to him that he was to dte for, and his Mother fenr liH him, faith he, Who is my MoJIJtr, at~dmy Brethrm, but tboje tint be.~r the Wvrd of God, and keep it? And when his Mother fought htm, and was cart!ul about htm, being found of her, faith he, 'Du{/ thou 11ot k11ow tbtlt I 'WM ab,ut my Father's btifitufs? And when he hung upon the Cro1s, he le.t her, a poor Woman, (to die for his Church) to be taken care of by ']obn. When he was Thirty three years old, he left her in the World, and went to Heaven to take care of hts Church. And thus he left Father, and he left Mother al'o for his Church. And, my Brethren, our Lord and Saviour ']e(tu Cl:r•fl, as he is married thus to his Church, he will thew himfelr the mol\ fond and perfect Lover that ever was. As he is the Ssviour of his Church, which is bts Body, fo he will come and fetch. at t tte !all unto himfelf. 1 rright be very large in this, but I have confined my fell, not only to rifeth from the !\ate of every man's Marnage, but what was proper and peculiar to Adam's, held forth in Gw. 2, to "hidt the Apoftle here alludeth, when he fait ll, Th~< i< 11 grtat My fiery, but I Jpeak c~1Jcerm11g Chnfl and hu Church. And fo I have done wnh the Allution and Wtth thts Text, and have in fome meafure /hewn, th•t in the !\ory of /Jdam, is contained a type and fhadow of the £\ory of Chrifl and of the Gojpet. A