Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

On C 0 L 0 SS. I. 26 27. atl:s the prologue in EleCtion, and g•ving Chri(l: continues every part of it, fets all a work, ends the wh'0le in glory. But Secondly, Not only more of his Attributes came thus to be difcovered ; but further the glorious My(l:ery et the Trinity came hereby to be unfolded more dearly, if not the fir(l:difi::overy made of the Three Perfons hereby, there being· fcarce the foot flep? of them diflinctly and clearly to be feen, in the works ot Creation or in the Law. ' But now when the Gofpelcame to be revealed, and the work of falvation in it, then were there difcovcred to be Three witnelfes in Heaven, 1 John 'i, 7· wit· nelfes to our falvation, and their feveral witnelling came to be known by Three feveral Seals and bead worksfet feverally to our falvation, bearing the fiamp of their Three feveral fubfillences, fo as by thefe Three Seals, of the Eteflio11 of Chri(/ and w, Redemptioll and SanflJjiration, we may know there are Three Perfons and how they do fubfifl. Even as in mens.Seals,their feveral Armes be– ing Engraven,their Houfe• and Antiquity is known. As, Firfl, God the Father hath fet to his Seal in EleCtion, 21im. 2. 19· The Fotmdation of the Lord Remaiusfirm h,.vi11g this Seal, Tht Lord knows 11/ho are hu; and in this Seal of EleCtion you may read the fimilitude of his fubfi(l. ence written, and the order of it. For as his fubfifling is the Fountain of the o– ther tw'o, fo is EleCtion attributed to him which is the Foundation,(as that place f.1ys both of SanCtification and Redemption,) Secendly, God the Son bath fet to his Seal,even his Blood the Seal of the New Covenant in the work of Redemptior{, to the fealing up of iniquity, Van. 9· 24- which carries in it the refcmblance of his fubfiflence alfo. For as it flows lrom EleCtion alone, and is next to it, fo his fubli(i:ence from the Father only. And Laflly, God the Holy Choft bath his Seal alfo fet toit. Ephef.+ 30. Wherewith we are.(eated to the day of Redemption; by the work of SanCtifica· rion, which bears the print and manner of his fubfiflenc.e , for as it flows both from EleCtion and Redemption, fo doth his l'erfon from the Father and from the &~ - And_fo now in the Second place let us come to the fubjeet of the Gofpel, Chrijf, in whom the riches ot glory is alone difcovered, which Riches is Chrzjf. Wherea. in the law and Covenant of works thefe riches were not only imper• feetly and obfcurely difcovered, but alfo manife(l:ed fcatteredly and withbroken Beams, as the Sun in Water when the Water is diflurbed, one Attribute fl1ineing in one work,another in another,and dimly too; So as a man mufl have read over all the largerVolumesofthe World, apd pickt out here and there a feveral notion of God out of feveral works; as now we are fain to fludy many Tongues, in which knowledge is bound up and hidden as Kernels in the Shels. In this fccond way of manifelling his glory, things are more full, large, clearer than ever,yet all is contraCted inro one Volume bound up in Chri(l:, in whom are hid all the treafures of Wifdom and Knowledge ; who is the fubjeet of the Myfiery, in whom we may fully read t he glory of the Lord in Chrzfl God-mr~n, And there– fore the Gofpel is called the Myflery of Chri(l:, Coto[. 4· l• and the Gofpel of Cod concerning Jefus Chrifl. Rom. 1, 'l· he being the ade9uatc !ubjetl; of ir, whom he h,Jth jtt up to 6t a/Jilt fill, Cotoj. l· 1 1. and therefore are complcat ir1 him, Chap, 2. vtr. 12. all fullnefs dwelling in him in fuch fullnefs, that we need no other objeCt to reprefent thefe riches of glory to us. For Fir(!:, did we know God, or would we !wow him in the Creatures, we !hall not need now to look on them if we know but him; who as a Creature is the Fir(i:.begotten of every Creature, Coto{. '· 1). And being man if he were nn more,hath the excellencies ofthem all fum'd up in him. He is the Compendium and Model of the World, what ever they exprefs of God, is to be more ful!y f<en in him. K Se·