Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

On C 0 L 0 S S. I. 2 5, 2 6 him difcovers. So the Power of God alfo in the fame fcnfe in regard of the ttanfcendent work of his rifeing again,wreHling with and overcoming Hell, fub· duing fin, &c. in which the power of God appears; and there is the like rea– of all the re(\ of God's Attnbures, as bccaule he is the foundation of All God's great and precious promifes by his blood, that they are all Yea and Amen in bim.Therefore he may likewife be cal\ed the Trttth a11dFaithftthuJS ofGod,[o as through his Mediation, at his co!l the World fubfi!ls, which elfe would fall in piece<, Coloj. 1, 17, Heb. '•l· andthathegovernsit, and prays his Father for his forboarance of ir. He may be called the Patie11ce mtd !ongfttffiri"g of God. That upon him God's Jufiice had Its full courfe, and by this judging the Wicked at the latter day, with the tranfcendency of Kmnvledge, Wtfdom,Rtghteoufiu(s, &c. which will be required tofo vafi a work, that he may be termed the Ju– flice of God; for in what he hath done,doth daily,and !hall do,allthefe Attributes appear. Now, As Chri!l: is thus in regard of his perfon and works the Jivelie!l: Imag~ ' and rcprefentation of God's glorious riches, ~hich is otherwife invifible; fo is the Gofpel the Image of Chnll, who otherwtfe lhou!d be invifible to us in this life, when he dw~lt with men: The Apofiles and Believers, whofaw,and heard him and his works, faw his glory then, M of the only 6egottetJ So11 of God, .'loh?J 1. '4· But Chrill was to be taken up to glory, .'loh1116. 7, It u 11taffary that I go aw,ry. And though we /hall fee him when we are ukcn up alfo; fee his glo– ry which he had before the World was, Joh1117• 24. Yet how lhould belie– vers do in the mean time to fee him, and the riches of God's glory in him? Therefore harh God framed and revealed the DoCtrine of the Gof. pel, in rbe preaching of which Galat, ~· 1. Chri!l: is faid to be evidently fer forth •or piCtured , "P"YPJ.,, before our Eyes. And as he is the hvelie!l: Image of God , fo the Gofpel is the livelie!l: reprefentation of Chrill that could pollibly be made, for it is a Glafs, 2 Cor. ;. Loll:, and a Glafs is the livelieil: way of reprcfenting things abfent that ever could be invent– ed, not in dead and liti:Jefs Colours only, which PiCtures onlv eo: And indeed it is a midle way of reprefenring :\ man, from that either when we fee his perfon direCtly before our Eyes, or when we fee his PiCture drawn in Colours; for thougl1 it be lefs clear , and perfeCt than feeing the Man himfelf, yet is more lively than all ·rhe PiCtures in the World; for 0!_od '&idetttr itt fpemlo non eft Imago, it is more than a bare Image, which is feen in a Glafs, even the perfon himfelf, though by a reflex and re– verberated fpecies, that is his likenefs beaten back again to the Eyes; which otherwife when we behold him face to face is received more direClly, and therefore is a more obfcure and imperfeCt way of feeing a man, than to fee him face to face, as the Apo!l:lc fays, 1 Cor. q. 12, as in Heaven we /hall do Chri!l:, yet in the mean time this puts down all the PiCtures in the World, And fuch is the knowledge of Chri!l: under, and by the Gof– pel in comparifon of that knowledge which. was had of him under and by the Certmoniat Law, 1. under whtch he calls the Shadow, thofe reprefentations under the Gofpel, the Image of good things to come; which the Apo!l:le calls but a Shadow of him, Colof. 1.. 17. drawn in wan, and Jifelefs Colours, and of that fight and knowledge we /hall have of him in Heaven , when we /hall fee him as he is, this knowledge of him in the Olafs of the Gofpel is as a midle way of feeiAg him betWeen both, lefs lively than the one, yet infinitely more bright and ~ea! than the other, even as I faid before, that the Image of God in Chri!l: which lhincth in his works of Mediation is a midle Image or reprcfentation between that . which /hone in Adam, and that which is fubllantial in his perfon. For as it comes iliort of the one, it being fubllantial,fo it exceeds the other,as I then 01cwed. < So 6 ,7